My simple life is changing all the time, just like any healthy process, it's not stagnant. I try to improve what I do so that I get the ...
THIS IS FOR THOSE SWAPPERS WHO DIDN'T RECEIVE THEIR NAPKINS If you sent napkins in the swap and didn't receive a package, please c...
There is a lot work to be done here today. We have our new floor and kitchen repairs happening tomorrow week, and I only have six free days ...
This is my adorable dog, Rosie. Rosie is an Airedale Terrier and she's 12½ years old. Hanno has just clipped her for summer and she...
Can we have a check of the swaps. Have any of the people who are waiting on the last swap received their napkins? Has everyone in the curre...
When I first started living as I am now, I was searching and hoping for happiness and contentment and thought I might find it with fewer pos...
I am having a wonderful day. I am alone here today, it's just me with the dogs and chooks. Hanno is off having some medical tests done...
Yoghurt and quark can be made from ingredients usually found in the fridge or stockpile cupboard. With the price of food seeming to rise eve...
You might think the subject of today's post is a bit odd but it's the unusual things that aren't generally thought about in toda...
I had an email from a dear reader yesterday asking for some thoughts on a life-career dilemma. Although I don't see myself as an expert ...
I have had to change to comment moderation because someone ranted in one of the comment boxes. Naturally it was from an anonymous person. ...
Yesterday was a day of gardening, cooking and sewing for me. It was quite hot here so before the sun hit the garden I was out there cutting ...
I found two very good posts this morning that you should read. One is by Little Jenny Wren and it contains some wise truths: http://littleje...
As I was doing my work yesterday I realised that our home is very old fashioned. Our kitchen is the centre of our home, it's a place...
This is the last lot of routines. I have found them fascinating. We are all trying our best to live simply, we all over the world and yet de...
From Anastasia in USA 5:00am - Get up. Fix DH breakfast and pack his lunch. Visit with him until he leaves at 6:30.6:30am - Read Bible. 7am...
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