Last week I received an email from a women who said she wanted to live a more simple life but she couldn't leave her job in the city unt...
These are two wonderful Australian blogs I'm reading all the time now. They're similar, but different, and very motivating. If you h...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us...
I've been busy this past week with knitting and sewing for my online shop I hope to open next week. It will never be overflowing, just...
Lasagne is one of those great meals that can be modified to suit a range of tastes and is often a favourite meal from childhood. I make lasa...
For a while it looked like our economy was improving and that soon prices would level out and start falling again, but when I researched on...
(Sorry, there seems to be a problem with Blogger's paragraph spacing today.) There is no doubt about it, household electricity prices...
I have been enjoying Spitalfields Life for some time now. It's about life, now and in the past, in London's East End. It's an i...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us...
I was going to write about lasagne today but this is more important so that can wait. I commented yesterday, at 10.30am, that I was at my vo...
After 13 years with our old fridge, two repairs to the thermostat and it starting to freeze the food in the fridge again, we bit the bullet ...
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