I finished the frugal living book on Friday, mainly because I dragged it out by doing bits and pieces that had nothing to do with the book,...
It never fails to amaze and impress me when I look at the work crafters do. It could be quilting, sewing, mending, knitting, rug making or ...
I wasn't going to do my weekend reading this week but I came in here and saw that I already had a sizeable list, so here it is.  I'...
I'll be busy finishing off my book and doing some book publicity this week so there will be no blog posts for the next few days. I&...
I took this photo of Hanno last week when we went down to the beach to have lunch. Another week has flowed under the bridge and the w...
Earlier in the week we shared what we love about our ho mes and the work we do there. I thank you all for sharing your incredible stories; ...
Most of us live on the edge. Although we live in cities, suburbs, rural towns and out in the middle of nowhere, we choose to live apart fro...
Cottage pie with mash top. I've been cooking. Isn't a warm kitchen a comforting place to be on a cold Sunday? I can see the st...
A real toasted sandwich - homemade grain bread with home-grown tomato, homemade cheese and chilli jam and a gifted avocado. It's ...
I think most of us want to feel that we’re spending our time wisely, that we’re productive, contribute our fair share and get the job done ...
The forecast is for a cold weekend, the bright glare of sunlight has evaporated, leaves are turning yellow and soon the wisteria vine will ...
Well, I'm still pickling cucumbers. Cucumbers are one of those crops that you have to be prepared for because you get so many o...
Don't forget Mother's Day is coming up on May 11.  When I look at the stock at Odgers and McClelland Exchange Store I think...
Two important questions are posed on the forum at the moment, along with many, many other items of interest. Drop in for a read over the we...
It's another long weekend here in Australia. Today is Anzac Day , and most Australians and New Zealanders will be enjoying a public hol...
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