After a few days writing about budgeting and money I want to balance the scale today on what really spins my world. I want to tell you about...
Hopefully this will be the last post about money for a while. Our budget is an important part of our simple life. It gives us a spending pl...
Hanno and I spent two hours on our budget yesterday. We checked old bills and we had our little (solar) calculator running hot. We put 2 and...
There have been many emails and very thoughtful and helpful comments to my previous post. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Every comment ...
We have come to the sad realisation that we are not makings ends meet. In the past month our fuel costs have risen from $120 a month to $150...
I'm really pleased so many of you are interested in starting to stitch. It's a wonderful way to make beautiful gifts and it will hel...
I want to thank everyone who took the time to leave a comment on by anniversary post. I was quite amazed at all the comments and read each o...
Thank you to everyone who entered this draw. I'm quite humbled by the number of you who would like to own the stitchery. There can be ...
Year 2 Day 1 ;- ) I am absolutely overwhelmed at the messages of friendship sent in the previous post. Thank you, everyone. I'll come ba...
One year ago today I pressed the Blogger "publish" button for the first time and entered blog world. It seems like just yesterday ...
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