I offer your a pictorial walk through the garden today. I haven't finished out there yet because we had a visitor and I didn't do w...
Thanks for your enthusiasm about the new book. I was amazed at all the comments yesterday. It's a wonderful feeling knowing you're ...
The weather is wonderful at the moment. It's cool at night (6-8* C) and warm during the day (20C ish) and that is the best gardening we...
We had some serious pruning to do last week. Our oldest lemon tree, a Eureka which is about 17 years old, had sap seeping from the trunk, n...
Last week our elder tree (sambucus nigra) was heavy with berries. It's the first year there have been enough berries to do anything ...
Good morning everyone. I haven't quite returned to my previous posting time and I'm not sure I will. At the moment, late morning po...
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