This is a fast, from-scratch recipe collection created by the Down to Earth community. There are a lot of great ideas here. Thanks to everyo...
My kitchen in the late afternoon. Hanno and I were out free ranging yesterday. I wanted to have a day off. It was the first day of my 3½ w...
One of the things we all do every day is eat. If you're looking for a way to start simplifying your life, if you're a new wife or hu...
This is just a short post to give the orange coconut cake recipe. I'm really busy today and need to go to work early. We're in the...
Vegetables - celery, beans and capsicum picked just before I cooked them last night. It was late October when I wrote about the Nourishing T...
It always seems fresh and new to me here. Like every morning when I get up to a brand new day there are possibilities and treasures just wa...
Those readers who have been visiting me here for a while will know that my aunty Joy died in early September. Joy was a big part of my life...
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