Of all the elements that make up many convenience foods, preservatives are the ones that make the hairs on my neck stand up. Give me butter...
After we changed how we lived, going from crass consumerism to a more mindful way of living, I looked around and thought that Hanno and I m...
Our garden changes are almost complete and I'm looking forward to working in this smaller but still productive garden. The major ch...
Everyone should taste produce they've grown themselves at some point in their life. It's a skill we should all have - that ability ...
I miss our garden when it's not growing. At the end of our main season in November, I really feel like a break because I'm over wat...
We have seven chickens left. The last of our old girls died late last year and now, even though we miss those old characters, we've sta...
Food production in the backyard is a simple activity that takes in a few elements of the simple life philosophy. It helps with debt red...
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