It's a constant battle here at the moment keeping the water up to our tube stock in the front garden and the vegetables and fruit out t...
I have a lot to be thankful for, most notably the family I'm a part of. My sons have grown into fine men and they're now both raisi...
Sundays feel different here, I guess they always have, but the reality of it is that Sunday is just another day. There are no weekends when...
Over the past couple of posts and their comments we've shared how we organise our finances by tracking spending, saving what we can and...
Thank you all so much for the love sent in the last post.  It's quite humbling to read it.  ðŸ˜Š  I am going to devote some time to getti...
It's been a pretty busy week and on the weekend all beds were full here at the Hetzel house. Cups of tea were made, grandchildren were ...
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