Not many of us really enjoy housework. I love being in my home but if I look at housework as one big thing - washing, cleaning, cooking, ba...
We heard the sad news yesterday that Sunny's dear mother, Sun Ja, died in Seoul, South Korea, after a long illness. She was a wonderfu...
Hanno has picked the last of the oranges and we have a bucket full sitting outside the kitchen door. We'll use them in the coming days ...
It feels good to be starting a new year with a clean and well organised house. If I was still writing for a living I'd also have daily ...
Buying laundry and cleaning products can become quite an expensive part of grocery shopping, but it doesn't need to be. They are easy t...
May - week 1 in The Simple Home “Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to ...
One of the things we did during the blog break was to continue on our quest to make things accessible and easy in our home. I'd been th...
I used to be known as a bit of a dish cloth obsessive.  If the real truth is known, I still am. 🙂 How can you not love something you can m...
I want to recommend two products to you. I use these here and as they're not in the mainstream of consumer products, I thought some of ...
What a few days we've had. Everything was going well with the bathroom renovation until the waterproofers arrived and applied a coat of...
I've happily returned to ironing. I used to do a bit to help my mum when I was a teenager. I hated ironing then and my attitude towards...
I was asked recently how I clean bottles. Of course I use a brush, I use brushes for much of my cleaning and cleaning bottles is no excepti...
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