Hello! I've come here today to wish you happiness over the Christmas season. Whatever you're doing, I hope you enjoy yourself, take time to review the year you've just had, and plan for the year ahead. Something has changed in me over the year, I'm not sure what but I've changed and I think I've come out of my period of grief. I can't remember the past two Christmases although my photos tell me I spent it with my family. This year, I'm much more settled and I have a sense of acceptance and joy as I look to the future.
I've kept doing my daily housework because that makes me who I am. We improve our lives with housework by creating a space that suits us, and changes when we change. When you do something everyday, it becomes part of you and over time it changes you. I've been working in this home doing daily chores for 27 years and while it was definitely more of a way of getting everything I needed to get done, now it's a habit, a charming, productive habit. It gives structure to my days and as I'm in my late 70s, I know that if I follow what I've done in the past, I'll do all the work necessary to allow me to live the way I want to live in this gorgeous home of mine. My home is not fancy by any stretch of the imagination but it's warm, comfortable, safe and most importantly, simply beautiful.
Thank you for taking time to visit me here. I appreciate the comments you leave, they show me that plugging away on the keyboard is a very effective way of connecting with people all over the world. I'll be spending time working on ways of living sustainably and continue to provide a clean and easy place to live on this land with the wildlife I share it with. I hope you have the chance to rest, relax and enjoy the holidays with your family and friends. Stay safe. xx