28 August 2021

Weekend Reading and Gardening

I'm trying to ignore the Covid situation because it's not getting better. I hope you and your family are staying safe, wearing masks and staying at home as much as you can.  For all those in lockdown, and that's millions of people in Australia, I'm thinking of you and hoping things improve soon.

I made a quick lunch of curried chicken soup during the week. It's delicious and easy.

Later this morning I'll cut this rainbow chard to have for lunch with Osso Bucco.

We had a really cold night last night at 4C but from today onwards, our days and nights will be warmer. That's good news for gardeners and all those who can go out and enjoy the early spring sunshine. We have a very short spring here before the weather turns hot, then hot and humid, so like a lot of you, I'll be in the garden again this weekend trying to do as much as possible before the heat makes it much more difficult to garden AND enjoy it. 

I planted up a couple of elder cuttings in a tall pot to create moveable shade during summer.

Climbing Rose, Pierre De Ronsard, was planted as a bare rooted rose about six weeks ago. It's growing well and even though small, it's already flowering well. Monty Don suggests having five or seven leaders for climbing roses and to grow them flat on a trellis or wall in a fan shape.  So that's what I'm doing.

My backyard garden is the place I go to think deeply and to renew feelings of peace, contentment and happiness. It's a place of great significance for me. And that's why I garden - not only to grow flowers, vegetables and herbs but also to cultivate wellbeing.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and do things you love with the people who make you smile. It really does make a difference if you can continually make those connections with what makes you happy. Take care out there.  ❤️





  1. Perfect timing Rhonda, I was looking for a quiet read while enjoying a morning cuppa in the sun. I can see why you find inspiration in your garden it is lovely with the variety of plants and colour. Cheers

  2. Good morning Rhonda,Hanno and Gracie. I've really noticed the days getting longer this week,we have sweet peas flowering and masses of hellebores. Pierre de Ronsard is one of my favourite roses. I've found I have to set myself a list of tasks each day to prevent what I call the 'covid wallow'.A regular chat with lovely friends keeps me connected. Enjoy the spring weather, have a great week.

    1. I’m growing sweet peas too but they’re not flowering yet. Love hellebores as well. Your garden sound delightful. Enjoy the weekend. Xx

  3. Connecting really is wonderful. I spent most of the morning--longer than we intended!--chatting on the phone with a dear friend who moved away a few years ago. She was walking to the library and I was puttering in the kitchen, and we were able to carry on about our days getting things done while catching up with each other.

  4. The news has all been a bit dire this week hasn't it? I too have had to turn it off and ask Grant to keep it at an absolute minimum when he gets home from work. I've been a bit wobbly trying to juggle it all here in lockdown over the last couple of weeks, but I feel like I'm finding my feet again after adjusting things and expectations a bit.

    Spring is in the air for us as well, the frosty nights are dwindling and things are beginning to shoot out. Though we did light the Aga yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. I've asked Grant to pick up some chicken carcasses/bones from the butcher on his way home from work to make a couple of big vats of stock to freeze to prepare for the warmer months when I can't light the oven.

    The kids and I are going to be mulching my new garden beds this weekend that I have begun to plant out with seedlings and I have some weeding to do in another area. The calves found the sugar cane mulch this morning which was stacked neatly at the gate and thought it was a tasty snack so I better get it to where it's intended. Then I think the next garden job will be to collect wood to make some raised beds into Hugelkultur beds this week.....At least with lock down I have plenty of spare hands on deck, though none of them are looking particularly enthused at the prospect.

    It seems each week the same jobs keep appearing on my list, but they are bound to make their way to the top eventually right?!

    Much love to you, Hanno and Gracie.

  5. Hello Rhonda. You are right : the garden helps to forget the sanitary situation...Fortunately, we have our homes and our gardens as a refuge...
    Here in France, the days are getting shorter because we will soon be entering autumn. Like JennyP, I gotta make a list of tasks each day, otherwise, I feel like I do nothing with my days... luckily your blog is there to guide me ;-)
    Enjoy your garden, your home, and have a great week.

  6. Hi Rhonda!
    Would you mind to share your curried chicken soup recipe? It looks superdelicious. Have a nice day!

  7. Hello Rhonda. What a treat to view your garden. Everything is looking so fresh and vibrant. I too am preventing the "covid wallow" thankyou Jenny P. by enjoying our spring sunshine and mild weather today at home. We have been advised of several covid exposure points both in our suburb and surrounds so home it is and happy to be there. We have a lot of visiting bird couples regularly swimming in our water bowls and small ponds. A thrush and red chested wattle bird spend their days darting about and swooping each other up and down our yard and straight into the water splashing about in the one bowl. Today I sat and watched the families of Ravens, Rosellas, Magpies, Pee Wees, Lorikeets visit and the tiny robins and willywag tails that have taken a liking to our Banksia tree and Correa shrubs. Not a care in the world but to enjoy what is provided for them in the moment. My thoughts were how we could all take lessons from our "winged" friends. The weekend reading links I will enjoy reading throughout the week. So this week we migrate into the season of Spring. The season of renewal and with that in mind so my spring cleaning chores begin. I wish you Rhonda and everyone that contributes to this blog better days and a sense of peace and happiness that we all can derive from our safety net of our home and the contentment that can bring. Julie from Mooroolbark xx

  8. What a beautiful yard, Rhonda! It seems so strange to me to think your spring is first arriving and we're waiting for autumn in the same breath. What a vast & wonderful planet we live on. Have a beautiful weekend. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. That's so true. Your flowers look beautiful. I love the purple ones and the rose buds. Like you, I have been staying safe and snug at home. Next week I am having the floors and carpet replaced. They have been here since the 1950's. It will make the cabin feel so loved and comfortable. My garden is bringing a lot of pleasure and beauty right now, too. The herbs add so much healing energy among the flowers. I put up a couple of handmade signs from Etsy, too. Love the atmosphere...


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