7 April 2017

Weekend reading

I made this meal during the week - satay chicken with herb rice and pickled cucumbers.  Above is the portion I made up for Sunny to eat at home.

This is now an occasional list of links to a wide variety of material that I've read recently and think you might like as well. Some are articles, some videos or podcasts as well as tutorials, recipes and patterns. I hope you enjoy browsing.

There is a very good search engine to search the blog over in the side bar. Just type in what you're looking for and it should gather a list of links that you can choose from.  Please note, the search magnifying glass at the top of the page has been disabled.

We have a busy weekend ahead with grandchildren here, preparing to plant up our garden - hopefully next week, and whatever else comes our way. I hope you have a lovely weekend and take some time out to relax.  Thanks for your visits and comments week. xx

List of herbs for hens
100% orange juice isn't as natural as you think
Saying goodbye to Radio Australia 
Personal steps to a sustainable future - this is an extensive, Australian-based list
List and diagrams of embroidery stitches
9 stunning stitches that you'll want to crochet over and over again - videos
Nigella Lawson and Anna Del Conte making pesto
The New Retirement
Look at Jenny's new collection of dolls. If you want to order one, you'd better get a wriggle on.
Plan for an emergency: Cyclone
Podcast: The powerful impact of gut health on our bodies and brains: Giulia Enders
I thought I'd post a link to someone who comments here. This time it's Cheryl at A Simply Good Life  Good luck with the flood clean up, Cheryl.



  1. Your chicken satay looks delicious. Enjoy your weekend and grandchildren!

  2. Thanks Rhonda, some of the shops in town have reopened in a limited capacity.
    Our drama theatre while clean now, smells just AWEFUL!
    I think it will be a long time, and perhaps a good lick of paint before we rid the place of the smell.
    The ripple effect from the flood is huge, our Base Hospital has been inundated with lacerations, fractures and infections from people slipping in the mud or cutting themselves while helping to clean up. There seems to be no end to it!
    But we are a resilient mob, there has also been a huge ground swell of Community Spirit and Camaraderie.

  3. I have coriander, chives, parley and lavender growing at the moment. I will actually get some more varieties going now ready for our future chickens.

    Guilia Enders podcast was so, so interesting. I have been reading so much about the brain/gut connection for the past few years. I've ordered her book from our library. I'm 8th on the list so will have to wait a little. Thanks for the link, well worth listening to.

    Have a great weekend Rhonda.

  4. Have a lovely weekend, Rhonda. How lovely to have your grandchildren to visit. I will be planting more in my Autumn garden on Saturday. I already have seedlings of silverbeet, Tuscan kale and perpetual spinach in and I think maybe I'll put in some beetroot and possible lettuce depending on what varieties are available. Meg:)

  5. And now I have an urge to start some embroidery! Thanks Rhonda and have a great weekend. :-)

  6. "Those most at risk of enduring a penny pinching older age are those in their 40s and 50s who grew up assuming that the pensions system their parents enjoyed – generous income, retirement in their mid-60s – was the norm."

    Now this just scares the pants off me and it is what I have been thinking for a while now. I am determined to get out of the Sydney market and live a slower, simpler life up north. Our priority at the moment though is to just keep what money we can in the bank, fix up our house on next to nothing and wait for a work transfer for Hubby.

  7. I am loving the new look of your blog.

    Thank you for the link for herbs for hens. I have saved the list so I can start doing this in our hen house.

    We have spent the weekend with our daughter in Sydney for her birthday and will be heading towards home tomorrow. It is a long, long drive, but we will be doing some tourist things on the way :)

    Take care Rhonda,



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