12 August 2016

Weekend reading

It's been a hectic week here with lots of phone calls to my sister and a dear friend who are both in hospital.  A big hello to both Tricia and Rose, I'm hoping you both have a speedy recovery.  The rest of the week was spent on gardening and housework but I've had a break from knitting.  I'm not sure why but I know I'll take up the needles again soon.  Tomorrow we're taking Jamie out for a drive in the bushland northwest of Brisbane and for lunch at one of the tearooms or cafes along the way. It will be a good break for all of us.

I wonder if I can ask a favour. If you've read any of my books, particularly The Simple Home, would you please write a review either at goodreads.com or at the online store you bought it from. It will help with my book sales.  Thanks dear friends.

6 Climate Change Myths — Debunked!
Sustainable-Food Resources
Hughs War on Waste  -  You Tube
The 5 Most Important Things to Know About Your Refrigerator


  1. How I wish I had the hash recipe on Wednesday. I made some and mum complained bitterly that it was wrong. I am trying to avoid waste so I appreciate the use it up recipes.

  2. Your sister and Rose both in the hospital! I hope they'll be out soon, and will remember them in my prayers.

    The refrigerator piece is something I need to read again. Maybe I should get a fridge thermometer, too. Thanks for the link!

  3. Thanks for the weekend reading, very interesting. I hope Tricia & Rose are both well soon. Have a lovely day with Jamie tomorrow.

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    I always look forward to dropping by on a Friday to have a look at your list of weekend reads :)

    I really enjoyed your book, 'The Simple Home' and wrote a review of it on Weekend Notes back in June (the link is here: http://www.weekendnotes.com/simple-home-book-review/ ). I'll write another one on Goodreads too when I get a minute.

    Have a lovely weekend :)

    1. Thanks KJ, a great review on Weekend Notes. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the books. xx

  5. Hope Tricia and Rose are both recovered and able to go home soon!

  6. Was very happy to review Down to Earth. Haven't gotten ahold of simple home yet, but down to earth is a treasure!

  7. So sorry to hear about Tricia and Rose. Hope they are both on the mend. Have rated all three books with 5 stars - they are all great!

  8. It is a worry when loved ones are not close by to tend to. Our thoughts with you now.

  9. hope Tricia & rose have a speedy recovery!
    some great links here
    thanx for sharing

  10. That's not good about your sister and close friend. I hope it's not too serious. It's hard when you don't live close to loved ones. I would love to recommend The Simple Home on Good Reads with 5 stars!

  11. Hi Rhonda, hope your sister and friend are soon on the mend, it is hard when you are separated from loved ones and they are not well. I will attempt to put on a review of The Simple Home which has become my go to bible for my home care. I wish we could do something to force manufacturers to change product packaging so we do not have so much waste, is anyone else out there worried like I am about the amount of plastic in our lives?

  12. I really appreciate the article on "5 things to know about your refrigerator". It answered some of the questions that I've had recently.

  13. Best of luck and a speedy recovery to your sister and friend, Rhonda. We hope for the best for them. Great links this week as well; particularly A Trip to the Black Country Museum.

  14. Thank you so much for the effort you put into your blog! I have learned so much and especially enjoy the links to other blogs I would never have found on my own.
    Wishing a speedy recovery to your sister and friend. I am currently finishing up breast cancer treatment and managed to avoid hospitalization, thankfully!

  15. What are the lovely flowers at the beginning of this post?

    1. Jules, they're lace-cap hydrangea in the right side bottle and buddleia and dill on the other side.

  16. Rhonda, I'm sorry Tricia and Rose are ill. I hope they recover quickly and that you, Hanno and Jamie were refreshed by a day in the bushland - nature is good medicine. Beth in MN.


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