15 June 2012

Weekend reading

THIS IS AN URGENT NOTE for readers who are taking part in the current swap at the Down to Earth Forum.

Becci is organising the swap and she has asked for anyone who has signed up for the swap, but has not contacted their swap partner, to go to the forum today, get their partners email address and make contact now. If you have any problems with your swap, please contact Becci -  beccisdomesticbliss(at)yahoo(dot)come(dot)au  If you've been in contact with your partner, this message is not for you.


pod and three peas is one of the best food blogs I've ever read.  I'm going to make her quesadillas on the weekend and hope they are as delicious as they look on the blog. The lime and custard slice may become a family favourite here. I think it's an Australian blog but now that google is adding "au" to a lot of my urls, I'm not completely sure. I hope she is. :- )

This is Evie's blog -  Handmade Romance. I think you'll enjoy it.

There is a lovely shawl  on this blog - if you're a knitter, take a peek.  It's down the page a bit.

Cheesemaking for beginners - this is my go-to cheese page. It will give you a good general understanding of making your own dairy foods.

I have been reading The Rose Garden for quite some time, but today I want to point you towards Olivia's Party.   While you're there, look through the other posts as well. They're a very sweet family.


Mrs Rabe

Don't Unplug your Hub

Monarch Place

Bubz Rugz - I think I met Fiona in Toowoomba. :- )

Thank you for your visits during the week. It's a pleasure to read the comments and to build up a picture of you in my head. We have an amazing group of people reading here - it never fails to make me smile at the thought of all of you all over the world. I don't have a lot of time to respond to comments but when I can, I do. Hanno often clicks on links back to your blogs and points out those he thinks I'll like. Enjoy the weekend. See you next week. :- )


  1. ""Hanno often clicks on links back to your blogs and points out those he thinks I'll like.""

    Your comment made me smile - that's so sweet and the type of 'togetherness' that I hope to share with my dear man when there's just us two left at home!!
    Thanks again for the links.

  2. Ooooh what swap is it this time? I check your blog every single morning and don't remember seeing a new swap. I have loved the dishcloth and apron swaps.


  3. Mim, it is a swap on the forum, and it's closed now.

  4. Rhonda,
    Did you know the social plugins at the top of the page don't link to your own accounts but to the generic URLs of each social tool. For example facebook.com rather than a facebook account that may be yours. Maybe you don't have social accounts but I thought I'd mention it.

  5. thank you Rhonda for the remindar. All done. Contact made with my partner.

  6. Katie, no, I didn't know that, Thanks for telling me. I'll put it on my list of things to fix.

    Thanks Sue.

  7. g'day

    thanx for the links, theres an easy cowl with the shawl link i want to try too

    have a great weekend

    selina from kilkivan qld

  8. Good Morning Rhonda, Just had a quick look through the pod and three peas blog and you are so right it looks great. Might be the prod I need to get back to varied cooking, it is so easy to get into a rut even with cooking from scratch. It seems to be a New Zealand site and I have noticed often when I find a good food blog it is from New Zealand. Enjoy the weekend.

  9. Oh, I'm glad you use Fankhauser's cheese page, too! A friend recently pointed me towards it, and it looked like a gold mine, but being such a newbie to cheese, I was not sure.
    ~Melanie in Canada

  10. hi rhonda i'm so happy you like my blog, its such a massive compliment coming from you ! and I am in melbourne although i'm a kiwi :)

    you will love the lime custard bars, so easy and delicious and you can make them with lemons too x good way to use up those delicious eggs your lovely chooks lay

  11. I wondered why on earth my readership had suddenly gone through the roof. You put a link to me. Thank you. Wonderful. When I get millions reading my blog I shall return the favour. Cheers. John.

  12. Thank you for your blog suggestions. I can't wait to check them out. Always a joy to discover a new blog :)


  13. Definitely bookmarked that Cheese Making site and my word, how refreshing that "Don't Unplug Your Hub"!

  14. Thank you for linking my blog Rhonda. I too was wondering why my page views had suddenly doubled. Thanks also for the cheese making site, I haven't done much past making Labneh with cheeses yet but am looking forward to trying.

  15. Hi Rhonda

    Loved pod and three peas site. Yes she is a Melbourne girl. I read through the blog and she mentions the unpredictable Melbourne weather in summertime. It has inspired me to change up my cooking routine.

  16. Hello Rhonda
    Thank you for the sweet mention. I was introduced to you via Christina from alittlebirdtoldme. I love what you do and what you share. Your book is first on my wish list at the moment too : )
    Have a wonderful day.


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