I've had a good break away from the computer and enjoyed the two weeks Tricia was here. Spending time with close relatives or friends is...
This will be my last blog for a while. I'm taking a break. Life is getting busier outside so I'm not reading as much online to make ...
On Tuesday night I gave my last ever live community talk. I have had a connection with Noosa Permaculture for about ten years now so I ended...
It's been wonderful out in the backyard this week. We had a gardener come in from Airtasker on Monday and while she worked hard removing...
Work in my home continues with cooking, organising, cleaning and gardening taking priority this week. Hanno and I went to Ikea on Tuesday, o...
My sincere thanks to everyone who sent a birthday message yesterday. I had such a good day. I didn't do any work, I relaxed, read, garde...
It’s my 73rd birthday today so I’m looking back and deeper, trying to find where I fit in the scheme of things. I’ve lived through an incred...
The gift this week brought us was rain and it was so badly needed. It meant we stayed in the house, or at least on the verandahs, for three ...
A few years ago, the week we've just had here would seem like a very easy week. However, now things take more time so I feel it's be...
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