Saturday started out well although it was cold and very windy. We invited some of the family over for lunch so I spent the morning tidying ...
Thanks to everyone who commented on the community workshops I'm doing. Hanno and I will be work out what we can do and I'll post ab...
Thanks to everyone who commented on the workshops. I'm sorry, but Melbourne is too far for us to come. I no longer fly and the drive to...
I've been thinking a lot about the recent workshops I've presented along with Hanno and Tricia and if I had to come up with one wor...
Just before I travelled to Blackheath, I received this email from "Mary". I asked if it was okay to use it in a post because ...
I can't help myself. It's winter here. I have to do a knitting post. I'm starting to see myself as a dishcloth queen. When I ...
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