Our first peek into our readers' kitchens is from Myra in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us, Myra! Clic...
This is not today's real post, it's below. I find it difficult to post on a Thursday but I don't want a gap in the week's po...
After two days of being away from home and working in my voluntary job, I'm back home in my haven today. I really do feel this is my ha...
Spaces are opening up in the vegetable garden after harvesting all those ripe vegetables. Hanno and I talked about it on the weekend and we...
We had a lovely weekend. I woke early on Saturday to bake pastry cases that I'd already prepared and had waiting in the fridge. It wa...
It was cricket day yesterday. The day that signifies the beginning of summer for me, when I watch the first day of a five day cricket matc...
You would have noticed some pineapple in a jar sitting next to the beetroot yesterday. That is the first stage of pineapple vinegar I'...
Beets are one of the most nutritious vegetables you can eat. The root can be served raw, juiced, boiled, baked and pickled. The green top...
Picture this. It's Sunday afternoon and I'm sitting in my workroom in an old skirt, blouse, apron and Crocs. I'm such a dag when...
I guess every pet owner dreads the day when they can see the death of their pet in the not too distant future. Hanno and I have reached tha...
I was asked to do a post on making butter. It's not something that is generally part of my household tasks but I do make butter when I ...
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