I've finished work for the week and now I'm free to roam around my space here doing the things that nourish my soul. Before I get on...
To follow up on Bel's excellent post yesterday on organising yourself, I thought I'd write today about clutter-free zones. How depre...
A lot of people say to me, “You must be so organised!” And it’s true, I am quite organised. I have lists, menus, folders, files, a diary a...
One of the readers here needs a little bit of friendly support and encouragement. Lacy and her husband Josh, at razor family farms , are hop...
I wanted to continue on yesterday's theme of pinching pennies to talk about a few things we can all do to save money. One of the best wa...
I am ever grateful that I have so many returning readers, the number grows every week. It's amazing. In the interests of sharing, I'...
It’s getting a bit scary with prices rises lately. It’s not just the price of fuel, which increases almost every week, it’s also grocery, me...
There is a secret gauge by which cooks measure other cooks - that gauge is how well dough is made. If you can make good bread, pasta, noodle...
Work is finished at the neighbourhood centre for the week and today will be my first day here doing my normal routine in what seems like age...
Well, it's all over. A week of family celebrations and the unique joy that brings. The photo above is me and my sister, Tricia. The pho...
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