I have heard from a couple of ladies who are having trouble reaching their swap buddies. If you haven't e-mailed your swap buddy yet ple...
I've been spending a lot of time in my community lately, and therefore spending a lot of time thinking about my place within it. I used ...
This recipe is one of Hanno's favourites. He used to love the time of year when hot cross buns started appearing in the shops. When I st...
Top of the Morning and Happy St Patrick's Day to you all! IRISH SODA BREAD (traditional recipe) This is very much like a scone recipe wi...
There has been a glitch in the feeds. Please check, you may need to update the feeds from my blog.
A new season of growing has begun. We're late with it, all the beds are not ready, but there are plants in the ground. This has been tra...
Hello swappers! We have another minor glitch with the e-mail addresses. Could Saraha from Dubai please e-mail me, Sharon (cdetroyes at ya...
There was a milestone of sorts yesterday. The 200,000th visitor came and went, so who knows where we'll go from here. I don't always...
Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank everyone for getting in touch with me so quickly when we have had a bit of a problem with e-mail addres...
Amy asked yesterday if I'd give a run down of my typical day, so here it is - a day in the life of Rhonda: 4.00 am ish Wake, get up and ...
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