Amy left this comment a few days ago: Can you do a post or point me to resources about how to love hard work? I'm finding that being a...
Last week Donna commented that she and her husband will soon be first time grandparents and wondered if I had any tips to pass on.  Of cour...
This photo was taken yesterday afternoon as Gracie was posing on the verandah. Happy birthday to our dear Gracie who is one year old...
I fear there is a dumbing down battle going on. It's there in food - why would we want to cook for ourselves when there are constantly ...
 Who?  Me! Hanno's been been hit with a bad cold this week so things have been quietly busy here.  I'm hoping  I don't ...
Last Friday morning we set off up the mountain to buy vegetable seeds at Green Harvest. After driving through Maleny we were surrounded by ...
This season's first tomato harvest. I pick these when they're green to avoid the tomato grub. We can leave the cocktail tomatoes ...
Many of us are trying to cut back on plastic by looking for substitutes for plastic wrap to cover food that is stored in the fridge....
Sundays feel different here, I guess they always have, but the reality of it is that Sunday is just another day. There are no weekends when...
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