The leaves are starting to turn yellow and soon they'll fall, but it's still hot and humid in my neck of the woods. I'm hop...
Sunny and Jamie are over in South Korea at the moment enjoying some family time. They went over for the wedding of Sunny's younger sist...
Dear friends, I've opened the Simple, Green Frugal Co-op blog again. I started the blog back in 2008 with a group of bloggers I invited...
During the week as I was ironing I came across a pillow case that was frayed and very thin in a few places. It came in a set of a fitted sh...
If you've ever been to Nundle NSW, you'll know it's an old gold mining area. Tucked into the rolling hills between the coast an...
This is the rain exactly one month ago when the last cyclone passed by. It's been as dry as a bone ever since. We're going th...
I was talking to a friend the other day and told her that I'd never been so busy in my life. It's true, I am busier now with family...
Of all the elements that make up many convenience foods, preservatives are the ones that make the hairs on my neck stand up. Give me butter...
I've not had a lot of time for reading this week but here is my list for you. I'll be back to blogging next week so I'll see ...
Originally published 15 December 2009 I enjoyed your post. I'm wondering, though, how much your slower more deliberate life is possi...
This was originally published on 3 August 2009 While I don't want to make DTE a question and answer blog, I do want to address ...
This post was first published on 16 December 2009 We are back to a practical subject again today because I've been thinking about t...
This was first published, without the photo, on 5 March 2010 If I could, I would send all of you the magic words that would change ...
Hello everyone.  We'll be opening the forum at a new address tomorrow.  Today we're going to close the old forum and open up again ...
I haven't had much time for reading this week but here are my findings. I hope things have been good at your place and you have the ch...
This post was originally published 28 Dec 2010. A feeling of renewal always comes calling at this time of year. The new year is loomin...
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