Are you thinking of Christmas yet? I wonder what your plans are, what traditions you follow, how many will sit at your table this year. Ch...
I crept out of bed early with the sound of rain still falling, put the kettle on for a cup of tea while I let Alice out, then in again, mad...
I am taking the lead from Soulemama here and doing a Friday photo feature. I hope she doesn't mind. This will allow us all to connect...
I had a phone conversation with Little Jenny Wren earlier this week. She contacted me via email about a fabric I'd commented on, she i...
We say a lot about respect when we use the full measure of what we grow or buy. In the old days it was common practice to use every part of...
I'm often intrigued by the questions asked in emails, particularly when they're about the most simple things. It always reinforces f...
The end of November. This year has gone so fast, and soon we'll be faced with the new year and all it will bring. It doesn't feel ...
This is a tough one. How do you decide who will do what in the home. If you're a retired couple like we are, the division tends to take...
I made baked beans and pork last week. It was delicious and very filling. Recipes for baked beans are similar but you can change the recip...
The beginning of summer always means the start of that most mundane of garden chores - mowing the lawn, or as we think of it, harvesting the...
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