I had a wonderful week away from the blog. Hanno and I were going to work on a project but he had a sore back and I had a sore knee so inst...
The garden we have today looks different to those we had in the past.  We're in the process of preparing for older age while we continu...
I fear there is a dumbing down battle going on. It's there in food - why would we want to cook for ourselves when there are constantly ...
It's been a pretty busy week and on the weekend all beds were full here at the Hetzel house. Cups of tea were made, grandchildren were ...
This time last year, Hanno and I set off on a three week book tour. We came home feeling happy and optimistic after having met hundreds ...
It was 42C on the verandah here yesterday but I believe it was much hotter out west. I'm very grateful we have an air-conditioned house...
I'm not one who takes frequent holidays. In the last ten years, I've had two holidays and both of them were working holidays (book ...
We've reached the point in our gardening year when we've stopped planting. We still have a fair bit of gardening to do but there wi...
I was contacted by "Jenna" last week asking for help with a major life change. Jenna is a nurse, five months pregnant with her fi...
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