Life continues its calm course here with housework, cooking, baking and gardening every day and occasionally a visitor or a trip out. This w...
I've had a good break away from the computer and enjoyed the two weeks Tricia was here. Spending time with close relatives or friends is...
On Tuesday night I gave my last ever live community talk. I have had a connection with Noosa Permaculture for about ten years now so I ended...
It's been wonderful out in the backyard this week. We had a gardener come in from Airtasker on Monday and while she worked hard removing...
Work in my home continues with cooking, organising, cleaning and gardening taking priority this week. Hanno and I went to Ikea on Tuesday, o...
I feel really energised lately and although it's due to the cooler weather and the approach of my favourite seasons, I think housework i...
I'm running late today. Not that it's a problem for a woman who never wears a watch and operates mainly by light and dark instead. I...
I'm getting excited about getting closer to starting our gardening season. We've had cooler evening temperatures, soon the humidity ...
I've gone a bit berserk this week and have been cleaning cupboards and drawers in the kitchen in addition to a lot of other work that HA...
This is the first foxglove flower I've ever grown. I just love them but always thought our climate was too harsh for them to grow here. ...
My apologies for not posting this on Friday. I had a few things to do yesterday, and it's almost the end of the year and I'm tired. ...
We're learning hard lessons lately. The ongoing drought and coronavirus have taught me that to be resilient enough to bounce back time ...
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