I finished my bread bag a couple of days ago and it's a nice bag to use. I'm not sure how good it would be in other climates but wi...
Making your own household linens is a BIG step towards a simpler life. You'll use numerous simple living skills such as sewing, recycli...
I've got a good job. I rise when I want to, work and rest when I feel like it and every day I look after us and our home. Hanno does th...
I want to get a better idea of what everyone is making for the Do Whatever You Want Bee. The bee started 4 June and will end on Tuesday 2 J...
In early April we had a sewing bee to make aprons with the information and comments here on my blog. When the aprons were finished, I made ...
After a couple of weeks of rain, we now have sunshine and the gentle heat of late autumn. The strawberries are growing well, raspberries an...
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