I read this article about the downside of microfibre cloths a few months ago and started looking for a new set of dish cloths that I feel ...
I used to be known as a bit of a dish cloth obsessive.  If the real truth is known, I still am. 🙂 How can you not love something you can m...
Hardly any of us have the life we dreamed of back when we had time to dream of perfect lives. When you grow up a bit you realise almost not...
I'm not one who takes frequent holidays. In the last ten years, I've had two holidays and both of them were working holidays (book ...
We've had so many visitors lately my head is spinning. Add to that my adorable grandkids and a new puppy and I'm starting to feel a...
There are many things we can all do to save money in our homes. Some of them are so easy and commonplace we rarely think of them, or think...
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