We planted a second lemon tree about 18 months ago and it's starting to produce its first lemons. I love have having too many lemon...
Last week our elder tree (sambucus nigra) was heavy with berries. It's the first year there have been enough berries to do anything ...
I usually start preparing my fermented ginger beer around this time of the year. I like having it on hand to offer to family and frie...
Elder flowers - open at the top and still closed at the bottom. Often, when new gardeners get through the first years of vegetable gar...
I’m not sure if it’s a sign of my age or the era I grew up in but when I hear: "Would you like a cup of tea?”, "I'll put t...
My sister Tricia recommended an Australian book to me recently - Coming Home by Cathy Armstrong. I was pleased to see it was published by ...
It's been a busy week here. I've been making soap and cheese, we had all the therapy and doctor's visits and then yesterday, Ha...
I love making our drinks from scratch. In summer I always have a few concoctions ready and waiting in the fridge, along with cold water and...
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