I wear an apron almost every day. I have about 10 of them in the cupboard, waiting, but if the truth is told, I wear about five favourites ...
I've been trying to find the time to clean out my laundry and finally got to it yesterday. I scrubbed the sink and bench, cleaned th...
Hanno has an appointment with a rheumatoid specialist in early May and in the meantime he's trying to get back into his normal routine ...
I'm often on the lookout for ways to do my day-to-day chores without using any, or very few, cleaning products.  There are two clear wa...
I use my oven a lot, probably five times a week on average. Everything goes in there - bread, scones, cakes, biscuits, pies, quiches, roas...
As the days move towards Christmas and the end of the year, it's a good time to do a few small cleaning jobs. Many of us will have visi...
I spent some time sorting out my silver cutlery recently. It was all over the place. When we're here alone, Hanno and I use few knives ...
I'm sure most of you who knit, sew or create with your hands will identify with this. I'm trying to organise my work room so I have...
I'm quite comfortable with chaos. I like order because it helps me be productive and efficient, but chaos is an old friend. Recently, S...
When I first decided that I'd had enough of my rampant spending and the insidious system that encouraged it, I realised that a lot of t...
I think we all have drawers where we throw in junk that we don't want sitting on the counter top. My junk drawer is in the kitchen, jus...
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