9 March 2024

This is real freedom

One of the things I love about living alone is that I can do whatever I want to do. I've always been independent and a loner but this puts a new sparkle on the edge of it. This is REAL freedom. But hand-in-hand with that freedom is the importance of maintaining relationships with family, friends and neighbours.  My family continues to support me with phone calls, messages and visits which I know will carry on until I die. Thankfully, we are that kind of family. I have a couple of online friends who I speak with online or on the phone and two other friends I see every few months - it works well for me, keeping me in touch with the people I love while enjoying my independence and time alone. My neighbours seem to have adopted me since Hanno's death and I can rely on them for almost anything ... except getting rid of snakes. LOL I am reluctant to ask for help but sensible enough to know when I need to. 

Yesterday, I did my grocery shopping, came home having bought a new moth orchid, repotted it and two other orchids and then had a tea and toast breakfast at 10am. I worked on the cookbook for three hours. At 2pm, I cut up tomato, onion, cucumber, lettuce, avocado and chilli, made guacamole, and had lunch of corn chips, salad and guacamole, then I finished off the fresh pineapple I cut up the day before.  From 3 - 5pm I was mending and sewing, then took Gracie outside again until it was almost dark. Inside again, I showered, read for a while, made some notes about ideas I'd had through the day, read The Guardian online and went to bed. It was a good day.

Spending time with Gracie is very important to me and seeing as she likes to be WITH me, I have to juggle time working on the computer and being outside with her watching her chase March flies and lizards or watching what's happening in the neighborhood - which usually is not much. There's virtually no traffic, but a lot of birds and after 3pm, neighbourhood kids playing in the street. Every couple of weeks I wash Gracie, or groom her, she hates having all that done but being a Scotch Terrier in a warm climate, she tolerates it and me fussing over her.

Here are my beautiful sons, Shane and Kerry, when they were in grade one and preschool, they are now in their 40s.

I think a lot about my life and my good fortune to have met Hanno all those years ago and how grateful I am to have this life. I have a wonderful family, I have nothing to complain about, I have more than enough, I'm happy to live on less than I earn and feel fortunate to own my home and have no debt. I've met many interesting people, made a living being a writer since I was about 30 years old and have an abundance of optimism and general good health. I wonder too about the state of the world, how wars break out and how it is usually the innocents who pay the ultimate price for that. Hatred, aggression, greed, jealousy, sexism and racism are reported on the news everyday - it never goes away.  And yet here I am, a dog at my feet, reading this blog post I just wrote and wondering how I got so lucky.

Addition: I've just restored the comments. I hope they aren't swamped with spam like there were before, if so, I'll deal with it then. Please comment here rather than Instagram.



  1. Your posts are always like a breath of fresh air Rhonda ... I just love your writing & come back to re-read your posts often ... I gain so much from them thank You! Thankfullness for what we have is very important in these difficult times we are living through. I am off to make some of your homemade laundry liquid - this brings me so much joy !!


  2. Luck had nothing to do with it. You are practical and pragmatic; able to adapt and grow in new situations. A lifetime of right decisions has graced you with the fruits of your initiatives, family, friends and admirers around the world. I consider you to be a guru in a secular way. It's always a pleasure to read your posts. May your good health and contentment continue in the coming years.

    1. Thanks Rita but I think luck did play a part.

  3. Rhonda, thank you for sharing your beautiful life. Your contentment in a simple life helps me to cherish the many blessings I have. Wishing you joy everyday!

  4. It’s always so good to read your blog, they are always positive & full of good sense. Thank you 😊

  5. I am glad you are still posting, Rhonda...enjoy your thoughts and doings.
    Elizabeth in USA

  6. I am so pleased you are writing again. You probably have no idea how comforting it is for your readers to read your new blogs and your old ones. If I ever feel “stuck”, a bit of time reading your columns inspires me again, and I’m off to make my home and life better. Thank you, Rhonda. Julia.

  7. Hi Rhonda, I have followed you since I bought your book around 2011 or 2012 but first time to comment. Sorry it's taken so long am a bit hesitant with internet. I can relate to a lot of what you say and especially today about being on your own and being able to do what you want when you want. Unlike you it's not a new experience for me as I have never married so there are times when I do not enjoy it. I do however enjoy my dogs like you do and my day does tend to revolve around their needs. I am up early for our walk and enjoy the nightlife heading off to bed and the gentle, sometimes raucous awakening of the birds. I love watching my Brittany run around with face towards the treetops trying to spy whatever is hiding in there - just waiting for the day he face plants a tree!!!
    I find my connection to people then as other walkers begin their day in similar fashion. After breakfast we head out again as the younger one is only 2 and ready for the next adventure. Anyway, just wanted to say hello properly instead of enjoying your posts without you knowing. Sue

    1. Hello Sue, thanks for commenting. Dogs certainly help us in many ways. I don't think I'd be able to cope as well without Gracie.

  8. Thank you for your post. Love that photo of Gracie peering over the neighbour’s fence. I wonder what she was thinking :)

    1. She no doubt was thinking if she sat there long enough maybe a piece of meat might somehow land on her side of the fence! Charlotte in the U.S.

  9. Thank you for coming back to blogging and restoring the comments feature, I have been reading your blog for years. You're such an inspiration, take care.

  10. Dear Rhonda. I'm so pleased that you are back to writing in your blog again. You are such a wonderful inspiration and I get a little thrill when I see that you written another post. Love the photo of Gracie. Like you I live with my Smooodle (Shihtzu/Malteze/Poodle) Lucy and she is my little (soul) mate who I love to bits. Take care. Helen

    1. Glad to see someone else on here from WA . We love our little Rescue fur baby too.

  11. I look at your blog every day and I am always happy when there is a new post. Your way of finding contentment in every phase of life is a great inspiration for me. Sometimes I start thinking "if only ..." but your example taught me to just get on with my life and make the best of it.
    I especially liked your saying that you now eat the things you grew up with. I am so fed up with being told that We have to try this new ingredient and that new fruit and the newest superfood and half a year it is something totally different. It is all about the money.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Hi Hilde. I'm glad my example taught you to make the best of life. We can still be surprised by opportunities and moving forward with an open mind helps us see what's out there. And about the food - eat what you enjoy eating and don't read anything about superfoods. Most of the superfoods they promote we've known about and eaten for donkey's years - kale, avocado, legumes, oats, fermented foods etc.. I have a list of my favourite meals and if I can't decide what to eat, I look at my list - that is my inspiration and it's all food I grew up eating or German food I discovered when I met Hanno..

  12. Glad you have restored the comments, Rhonda. I have opted out of Instagram for months...it does nothing for me, and those short (or long) photos and posts that get scrolled through, aren't the same as choosing to visit a blog and really reading, really engaging. Bless you heaps, Jennifer

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I agree with you about Instagram. I never go there unless I have a blog I want to notify people about.

  13. Jen from VictoriaMarch 09, 2024 3:28 pm

    Always look forward to a new blog Rhonda, thank you 🤗

  14. I'm so delighted you have restored comments Rhonda, it made my day. I feel much the same about many things you wrote. Thank you for your writing. I'm grateful for this community. Ingrid

  15. Yes, you're posts always make me feel good about the kind of life in living and it's good to hear how you're doing too.

  16. I always check your blog regularly for new posts too, Rhonda. Do you have a way to subscribe as well via email?

    Your posts are always such a breath of fresh air and common sense. It validates how myself and my hubby live too and I love hearing about your and Gracie's adventures too. Thanks for sharing about enjoying your independence too at this stage of your life. ❤️

    1. Jen, Blogger removed the ability to notify via email. You could join feedly.com I have used that in the past and liked it.

  17. Rhonda, I look forward to every post of yours. I love seeing how you order your days and take care of your home. It's all inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  18. Your posts are always a welcome gift. May your contentment be with you all of your days. Blessings...daisy

  19. I love your perspective on life and living. Looking forward to your cookbook!

  20. Hi Rhonda Jean, a wonderful post again. There is so much to be grateful for. I understand what you mean.
    When bad things happen, it is always important to count your blessings.
    Like you, I don't need a lot.
    Have a wonderful day
    Hugs from The Netherlands ❤️

  21. Long time reader in USA. Love reading what you are doing and how you are adapting. We are retirees and I have been working for quite some time to declutter and simplify. Of course it is never completely done as every year I lose attachments to certain items or they no longer serve my simpler life.
    Thank you for continuing to write about your life. You are a blessing to many

  22. Thank you for this lovely post.

  23. Another long time appreciative reader from the U.S. Rhonda, I must thank you for the recommendation of the Zwilling system. After reading of your success with them, I ordered a set of glass containers and the pump. Even though I am downsizing, I hope they are invaluable for less food spoilage and fewer trips to the supermarket and worth the expenditure. Again I love reading your blog and all the comments. Elaine

    1. I don't think you'll be disappointed, Elaine.

  24. Thankful for your posts. I find them inspiration. From one widow to another, thank you!

  25. Hi Rhonda, Your sons are so beautiful. I enjoy reading about how you spend your time. I do many of the same things that you do, and also enjoy living on my own. It's a luxury. Thanks to your blog, and some podcasts I enjoy, I am also enjoying a peaceful retirement. We are very fortunate.

  26. Hooray, a new post! I enjoy your blog so much. I've followed you for years. Im so glad to know that you have people who care about you to keep watch on you. Thank goodness you have Gracie to keep you company.

  27. What a delight it always is to read your posts. Also, it’s so cute to see your sons when they were so little. The oldest looks like Hanno and the youngest looks like you! That’s the same with my two sons, although my youngest is starting to look more like my husband, too, now that he’s an adult. Thank you for reminding us to be grateful.

  28. Rhonda you really know how to ground us, remind us of the fulfilling life, the slower paced abundant life filled with simple pleasures and strong relationships. Thanks for your generosity in continuing t write for us all here :)

  29. I have a friend who lives alone after her husband died. She says gleefully, "There are NO RULES!"

  30. Rhonda I could not have been happier to find that you had returned to blogging. Your posts have been tremendously helpful over the years, and I have enjoyed the vicarious intimacy of your home, garden and goings-on. I am so pleased you are writing candidly about this stage of your life as a widow. I confess to a secret fear of losing my mate, and making life meaningful, without him.
    The older I get the more grateful I am that I met a keeper 16 years ago - we have introduced each other to many ideas and experiences and we share values around living a healthy moderate life. P brews the morning coffee every day, and I have to practically book in to the kitchen to cook a few nights a week. Imagine that: I found a guy who cooks for me - that is something for which I am particularly grateful.
    I like to make old favourites. Your rotating list of 40 favourites is a resource I have kept in hard copy as it is so valuable.
    In the past I enjoyed your Weekend Reading links. I think about six years ago you included DianeinDenmark amongst blogs you recommended. You Rhonda, and Diane, have been a lovely security blanket of wisdom, practicality and optimism for me.
    Thank you so much! And may people who comment be kind to all of us.

  31. Hello Rhonda, you inspired me to start making soap. Although we don't have the rice bran oil here in Canada (that I could find) I make a great one with olive oil and coconut oil. I was sad for you when Hanno passed. I retired almost 10 years ago, but continue with a small home business and spending time with my husband, our Great Pyranees dog and family. I love to garden when the snow leaves and bake bread every week. We are more alike than different , I feel. Take care , Barb from Canada

  32. Your blogs are so encouraging, and give hope to those of us who have not yet lost a spouse, but one day likely will. It is so wonderful to hear that you are enjoying life and are so optimistic and grateful. Thank you for sharing your story.

  33. Lovely to be able to chat back to you a little Rhoanda - and ALWAYS wonderful to read what you're up to. Big hugs of simplicity xx 🌻

  34. It's always a bright spot in my day to read your posts. You have so much wisdom and grace.

  35. Hello Rhonda, I am a long time reader and so happy that you are posting again. I am preparing for my retirement in a ten-ish weeks and it is a bit scary. Your gentle blogs inspire and encourage me to have the confidence that I will survive AND thrive in this new stage in my life. Thank you so very much, Elsa

  36. I'm glad comments are back. I love reading everyone's ideas/suggestions in addition to your always fantastic writings.

  37. I thoroughly enjoy delving into everyone's ideas and suggestions, alongside your consistently fantastic writings.

  38. Hi Rhonda! I look forward to your posts - have been reading them since I "retired" from childcare in 2015 after my mom passed away. I was a home keeper for a year and was looking at blogs to help me. I went back to work a year later, but still try to put in practice some of your ideas. I hope you know there are lots of us out here who appreciate you!

  39. It sounds like you have established a good routine being on your own and with the company of Gracie. I love the Grade 1 photos and I can bet you can remember them bringing them home from school like it was yesterday. I miss the days when we were all on blogs I would get a coffee and read for about an hour all the lovely blogs and that was it for the day until the next day. An Instagram post is a small amount of writing and I loved IG when it was a photo sharing platform without all the noise, music and reels. Bring back the good old days of less is more. I've had my little puppy for 4 months now [Teddy the cavoodle ] and he is still basically a toddler and requiring 24/7 supervision so it's an exhausting time right now. I've been used to dog minding my friends dog who was happy to not get into everything in site. He does bring me great joy though now my kids are 20 and 18 and hardly home. Glad you are doing well. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. Thanks Kathy. It's good to see you again. I'm glad you have Teddy. xx

  40. I’ve been following for a while. I cherish your books. You are a true inspiration. -Cortney - Ohio, USA

  41. Always enjoy your posts - simplicity, honest, & valuable. Thank you.

  42. Thank you for a calming, encouraging read. It seems the world’s goal is to keep us scared & on edge at all times. I’m thankful for the everyday blessings & enjoy reading of the same with others.

  43. I am a new reader of your blog and happy to have found you!

    1. Welcome Gina. I hope you enjoy being here. xx

  44. Hello Rhonda,

    I'm a long time reader and I just wanted to say how you and Grandma Donna make the ordinary wonderful and bring us back to the sacredness of keeping the home. You show how simplicity can drown out the chaos of the world and home can be the most wonderful place to be. I'm grateful for you both.


  45. I always enjoy your posts, Rhonda! Excited to hear about your cookbook. I'm working on one too (plant-based) and just submitted it and am awaiting the proof. I find it so much easier to edit with a real book in my hand. I'm thankful you have family and neighbors to ask for help if you need it.

  46. It's so lovely to have you back, I do miss good old fashioned blogs. I write on substack these days (sometimes) and there are lots of nice writers on there, but somehow, it isn't the same, and everytime I read your posts I wonder about going back to dear old blogger!
    I have been reading your posts pretty much since you began, and we were all on blogger because that's all there was!
    How endearing and comforting your gratitude and contentment is, I do hope it's also infectious! We all need more of it.

  47. So happy to see you writing your blog again. I did your Aldi WW experiment for my first monthly shop this month. Even with my 10% WW discount Aldi came out cheaper so now it's my first shop again. I had wondered if it was as their prices had gone up like other places. I would not have done that without your recommendation despite being a long time SSer and minimalist. Be Blessed Penny Hippysaver.

    1. Hello Penny, it's good to see another long term blogger still holding on to the good life. I'm glad the Aldi/WW comparison worked for you too. It's an easy way to compare prices. xx

  48. Rhonda, thank you so much for continuing to write. I am a long time 'follower' and your words have changed my life. Thank you too for opening up comments, it brings such a sense of community for like-minded souls. I really hoped you are not bothered by spam again!! Your words are a balm and a reminder of what really matters in life. I needed to read this today xx Carolyn

    1. I love having the comments back too. It makes me feel good. xx

  49. You are so lucky Rhonda, having a family who keep in touch and love to see you. So many don’t. I’m one of the lucky ones too. Two daughters, married, one with 2 little boys, good son-in-laws. They are the sons we never had and my hubby loves spending time with them.
    It sounds like your days are full of what you like, you can’t ask for anything better. Any idea when your cook book will come out? Cheers, Joolz

    1. Yes Joolz, we are a couple of lucky ducks. I'm so grateful. I'm starting to think it might be stretching it to call what I'm writing a "cookbook". What you'll be buying is either a pdf or an ePub file that you print yourself on your home printer or read in a Kindle. That should be ready some time in May, I hope. 🫤

  50. So lovely to be able to correspond with you again Rhonda. Gracie is such a card! I love hearing about her antics!
    Much love, Eden from Tamworth xxx

  51. Dear Rhonda, I’m so grateful for your posts and I look forward to reading them. I found you way back in early 2000s and I missed you when you took a well deserved break. You & I share a birthday and I too have lost my husband, my rock, one year ago. I share so many of your lifestyle habits, I have your books and I’m looking forward to your cook book when it’s ready. Thank you for sharing your life and great life skills. Tricia from the Gemfields central Queensland

    1. We'll be another year older soon, Tricia. Yay for us! I'm sorry to hear your sad news. I hope you've been okay. xx

  52. I am so glad you are writing on your blog again. Your blog is like a quiet oasis in this world we now live in. Blessings from Georgia, USA.

  53. lovely to catch up on your post Rhonda. I was away over the long weekend and have only just had time to read your thoughts. How lovely to reflect on such a full and content life. I love reading your musings.

  54. That was beautiful. Glad you are still writing, i will now follow your interesting thoughts.

  55. Love the photo of the boys. Just as I remember them. Cheers Maureen

  56. Nan from TownsvilleApril 01, 2024 5:04 pm

    Hi Rhonda, I was looking for your washing powder recipe and discovered you are blogging once again. So pleased. You write with such grace and contentment, I am sure you inspire many with your attitude to life

  57. Hi Rhonda, Great to see you again and Happy Birthday! I see a Glenden school shirt on there! We moved from Bowen to Glenden for 3 years now we are in Mackay. You would have been in Glenden during it's best times, we were there while it was circling the drain. Julia from Bowen (now Mackay!)

    1. Hi Julia. We landed in Glenden in 1984 and we stayed 13 years. I didn’t really enjoy my time there but many good things happened to us while we were there. I’ve been told it’s just a shell now.


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