15 February 2023

This is my last post.

I have known for a while that this post was coming, but I didn't know when. This is my last post. I'm closing my blog, for good, and I'm not coming back like I have in the past.  I've been writing here for 16 years and my blog has been many things to me. It helped me change my life, it introduced me to so many good people, it became a wonderful record of my family life, it helped me get a book contract with Penguin, and monthly columns with The Australian Women's Weekly and Burke's Backyard. But in the past few months, it's become a burden.

In April, I'll be 75 years old and I hope I've got another ten years ahead. However, each year I'll probably get weaker and although I'm fairly healthy, I do have a benign brain tumour and that could start growing. There are so many things I want to do and with time running out, leaving the blog behind gives me time to do the things that give me pleasure.

On the day the blog started I felt a wonderful, heartwarming feeling when I first pressed the "publish" button. I wanted to share what I know, help others live simply, get out of debt and be kinder to our planet. I think I achieved some of that but the amount of money still being spent on cars, clothes, holidays and things that will end up in land fill is heart breaking. 

The blog will remain open so you can come back to read whatever you like but next Wednesday, I'll turn off the comments. For those that like the stats, I've written 2995 posts, there have been 91,222 comments and over 360 million page views. Thank you for being part of that.  I'm continuing my Instagram page so if you've got an account there, I'll see you around. It's much easier to write on Instagram because they have a limit on keystrokes so I'm pretty sure that can fit into my life.

You can find me on Instgagram by searching for rhondahetzel If you follow me, when I post, you'll see the post along with anyone else you follow.  I'll put up a link in my side bar this week to guide you there.

During the 16 years I've written here I've felt loved and appreciated and I thank you all for that. I also say a special thanks to the people who commented - that's what kept me going. Having that contact with like-minded folk gave me a better understanding of the world around me, helped me come up with ideas to write about and showed me that despite what we see on the news, the world is full of people who are trying to do their best.

Thank you for being here with me.  ❤️




  1. Thank you so much for your words and wisdom and I wish you the best for all life holds for you now. Will you leave the blog up so we can access all your wonderful posts?

    1. The blog will remain open, Elizabeth, however, next Wednesday I'll turn off the comments.

    2. wonderful, thank you so much again. xox

    3. Thank you so much for your incredible inspiration to me and many others over the past 16 years. I often refer to your books - especially ‘Down-to-Earth’ (quite possibly my favourite book of all time) and have enjoyed your articles and insights. Take care and wishing you and your family all the very best. Kind regards and lots of love xx

    4. I live in the U.K. but your words and insights have been with me for the last 10 years when I first discovered you! I love and aspire towards a simpler life and you sharing this life with us has lead to me working towards it for myself! Thank you so much for sharing all you have, thank you for letting us be part of your life and I really hope your future is blessed with happiness and love xx

    5. Thank you for this blog and your simple living book. Both have helped me retire after 34 years of teaching. My worn out body and mind thank you!

    6. Thank you Rhonda..you've certainly helped me have the courage to begin living a single life filled with purpose in my mid 40s...i wish you good health,happiness and look forward to seeing your posts in instagram...you're a gem to this community around the globe..you've made a difference to all of us...with sincere thanks, Georgina

  2. You have been such a blessing in so many people’s lives! From all ages and walks of life too. Thank you for all your blogging and books from a 35 year old mom of four who aspires to put more and more of your wisdom in her family life. Small steps and I am getting there. May your next ventures be beautiful and fulfilling!!! 💗

  3. Thank you. I can’t believe I’ve been reading your blog for so long. Your blogs taught me common sense and sustainability without extremism. I hope you have a wonderful “retirement” with your kids and grandkids.

  4. I have followed you on Instagram for some time, and have no idea how I found you. I did not know you had a blog until I saw your latest IG post with the link. So, I decided to come over and see why you were stopping. I've been blogging since 2007, also, and will continue for as long as I can log in and type the post. I am, though, a few years younger than you, and I still enjoy sharing my life with those out there who read, my dear Reader. Best wishes in your continued life.

  5. Thank you sharing so much of yourself to inspire others. I appreciate your blog and books, and always refer back to them when I need to feel grounded. I look forward to seeing small updates on Instagram. Leiani

  6. Kimberly in Southern CaliforniaFebruary 15, 2023 11:51 am

    Thank you, Rhonda. Thank you for being you. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. Thank you for the advice, the instruction, and the belief that we could all do more for this planet and our own lives, all by turning to our homes. Thank you for the forums. Thank you for the recipes. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for letting us see the deep love between you and your sister. Thank you for letting us see Gracie's antics. Thank you for sharing Hanno's last days and letting us see your grief. These are all gifts you shared with the world, and you didn't have to. You are a treasure, and you are loved. I'm old enough now (I wasn't when you first started) to see how love loves through the world. Your love has moved through your words and photos through screens and into our lives. I love you, will remember you fondly, and will appreciate you always.

  7. Thank you so much for passing on your wisdom to so many. I read both of your books as I was preparing to quit my job as a Registered Nurse to become a full time homemaker and they each gave me so much hope and peace in that season of change. Please continue to post on Instagram as much as you can… we will all miss your weekly check ins. I pray that God blesses you and your family abundantly in this new season of life for you. Lots of love!

  8. Thank you so much Rhonda for the gift of your wonderful blog over all these years. It has been a pleasure to read and share your blog and books with my daughters. As I am a year behind you in age I understand completely. Thank you for leaving your treasure of a blog up and see you over on Instagram. All the best, Karen near Gympie.

  9. Thank you Rhonda, what a marvellous contribution you've made to encourage people to live simply, your blog has always been insightful and a pleasure to read, enjoy your retirement from writing, may you continue to enjoy good health.❤️💐

  10. Thank you for those 16 years. I am sure I am not alone in saying that you have changed my life and inspired me to live more fully. You are deeply loved and will be greatly missed.

  11. Happy retirement dear Rhonda and hurrah for all the nice times ahead love Edie xx

  12. Oh, Rhonda. I cried as I read this. I have followed you for years and have learned from you, copied your ideas, planted how you taught and cooked how you taught. I have corresponded with you via your blog a few times and thoroughly appreciated your responses to my questions. I have learned frugality through your teachings and budgeting. You are like an adopted mother in many ways. I will miss your words of wisdom on here. Please know my heart will always hold a very fond spot for you in it. I will be following you and Gracie via Instagram. May God bless you richly as you continue through the years.

  13. (Little Penpen) awww we will miss you. I love your blog and have learned so much. Blessings to you. ❤️

  14. Thank you for all of your encouragement over the years. I have loved reading your blog. Many blessings to you as you continue to live the life that you want to live!

  15. Thanks Rhonda for your work. I don’t normally comment but I bought your book years ago. In the last few years my daughter discovered it on the shelf and loved it for its eco values. You were way ahead of the trend Enjoy! We will keep following you on Instagram.

  16. Thank you for the truly outstanding work you have done for the past 16 years. I will miss reading your posts but I do understand. All the best to you, Rhonda!

  17. I just want to thank you, Rhonda. I have never left a comment here before but I’ve been reading along for some time. I’m 25 years old and your book and blog have really helped me slow down and appreciate the life (something many people my age really struggle to do with the “hustle culture” that is so popular). I’m glad you’re leaving the blog up for us to read long into the future. Thank you again and best wishes for your next exciting chapter. I hope you continue to share snippets on Instagram.

  18. Thank you for publishing so much good information. I have loved seeing your slice of this amazing world and how you work to fit peacefully into it. I live in almost the exact opposite climate (high alpine valley at 8000 feet in middle of the Rocky Mountains) and love how your approach to life can fit even my extreme climate. Thank you for all your writing and publishing. Best in your retirement and keep finding joy and peace in all you do.

  19. Thank you so much for keeping the blog up as long as you have. What a tremendous accomplishment! I've been reading for well more than 10 years. One of your recipes, the impossible quiche, is one of our family's top favorites and I make it at least twice a month. Your blog has been very meaningful to me. I'll always be grateful to you for sharing your wisdom. Best wishes from Seattle, USA.

  20. WE ADORE YOU RHONDA! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Clare and Marty xoxo

  21. Sending warm wishes for you being able to do the things that give you pleasure in the years ahead. And a thank you for your blog over the years. I don’t think I’ve ever commented before, but I wanted to let you know that your blog has meant a great deal to me. Thank you.

  22. Thank you so much Rhonda!! I wish you all the best and good health. I often look things up on your blog, so I am glad we can still access your blog and “visit you” this way ( I will be thinking of you each time I do and wishing you well in my mind as well❣️) I will keep following you on Instagram and look forward to your posts there. Take care❤️💐🌻🌸🌺

  23. Rhonda, a sense of loss passed through me as I read this post, but choosing life and what each day brings is important. I learned so many things from you. I will cherish that! I am so thankful to own your 2 books. They are treasures. Thank you for the years of having a quiet spot to come to. Blessings to you!!

  24. ….Dear Rhonda, I found your blog over 14 years ago, my 3rd child had been born and I was glad of the blog world to connect with gardeners, home makers, stay at home mums….
    I have your books on my shelves, recipes in my folders and you’ve certainly been a part of my home all these years…enjoy your time doing the things you love, with those you love….

    Suzanne Jean….
    Down the Back Today…..

  25. Congratulations Rhonda on the legacy and lives you have touched through your inspiring honesty. Look forward to seeing you on Instagram, Jude from Fairy Wren Cottage.

  26. Thank you. I have enjoyed your blog for many years! I wish you all the best.

  27. Dearest Rhonda, I woke early this morning in
    Canada. My first thought was of you. I felt that you may tell us all exactly what I have just read. I started reading your blog in 2007. So many times your blog has been there in my life, through the up’s and downs. From my beginnings with you on my small farm in the Barossa Valley to a ranch in Alberta, Canada. I found you, when searching online for help with my chickens. I continued to follow your blog because you felt like a comforting hug. I especially went wild for pictures of Gracie and the Grandchildren and chickens and the gardens and your mouth watering food. I will miss you and I will look out for you on the gram. Thank you for the years of joy and useful information and wisdom and down to earth knowledge you have given to my life. With much love ❤️ Krys West.

  28. Rhonda, thank you for your wonderful, sensible words.
    It was an honor to know you and your wonderful family.
    Your advices helped me find my way through my own path.
    I wish you the best, and I'll continue to follow you on Instagram.

  29. It’s hard to put into words - I feel a bit teary but happy for you - What a wonderful contribution and legacy you have created and shared - I will ensure your ethos will be passed down for generations - Thankyou 🙏

  30. I am saddened to hear it but understand totally. I have learnt so much from you since stumbling onto your site over 6 years ago. You helped me centre myself and find my way to a life I hadn't considered before. I learnt at 60 it is not to late to change and take the slow path. You are an inspiration to many and your blog will continue to inspire by its breath and knowledge. Enjoy this time of life with Gracie and take my best wishes and thanks with you as you close this gate. Heart felt wishes from Bernie💐

  31. I’ve rarely commented, but I’ve loved your writing for years now. Such a source of comfort and true joy. Wishing you much happiness, good health and truly all the best. Many many thanks for everything.

  32. I was each blog and have done so ever since my son got a signed copy of your book for me in Bendigo. I wish you all the best

  33. Thank you so much for all the years of sharing your time, thoughts, ideas & help.
    I've been reading your blog since the early days & always looked forward to your words of wisdom. Enjoy the rest of your retirement it is well deserved. 💐💖💐

  34. I've followed for years (gosh, ten years maybe?? I lived in another US state and had just graduated college back when I started following you!) and rarely commented, but the very least I can do is say thank you so, SO much for the years of inspiration and guidance. It's been a pleasure and an honor, and while I'll miss your posts, your comfort is infinitely more important!! I hope you'll have a weight off your shoulders so you can enjoy your time all the more. Cheers to you!!

  35. Thank you Rhonda for your wisdom and inspiration. I borrowed your book from our local library and kept it as long as I could, filled it with sticky notes and have been looking to buy a copy in all my favourite second hand stores. I will continue to come back here when I need encouragement.
    All the best for the future and I will continue to follow you on Instagram.

  36. Rhonda, you've been such an inspiration in our household and so many, many others. I'd give an audible little cheer each time I discovered a new post and always felt uplifted, empowered and supported to live more simply after reading your words of wisdom and encouragement.

    May you be nourished by your new pursuits and continue to enjoy each day.

    A most sincere thank you for all you have given us,


  37. Your blog has been a blessing to me and many others who read it and said, "I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!" I'll look forward to seeing you on Instagram. Thanks for all the helpful tips and ideas over the years, you put a lot of heart into your blog and it definitely had a huge impact on a great many people -- and with you leaving it up, it will continue to do so. the right people will continue to find it and find inspiration.

  38. We must've started blogging at much the same time. Yours was one of the first blogs I found and although I don't comment often, I've read every post since.
    Your legacy with the blog is huge and you've helped many people with both practical advice and with advice about changing attitudes about how things should be done.
    Enjoy your 'retirement'!

  39. All the very best Rhonda, that you for all your wise words over the years

  40. Thank you, Rhonda, for your amazing wisdom, for sharing so much of yourself through these many years, and for your kind responses to my occasional comments. You have changed my life and I love you for that ❤️. I will follow you on Instagram and I’m relieved you will be there, as I pop in almost daily to see if you posted another blog or Instagram post. Take good care of yourself and Gracie, and may God bless you both abundantly. Cindy from Wisconsin, U.S.A.

  41. Thank you so much Rhonda for everything you have shared with us.Many years ago, you linked my blog- I felt honored, and still do just to read here. I will enjoy getting to come back and mine for information and get refresher courses for tips and ideas. I will miss your new blog posts... but happy that I follow you on Instagram. I hope you get time for all that hope to do, no matter what may come your way— you’re such an encourager to homemakers everywhere. Grace and Peace!

  42. Hi Rhonda, I found your blog during the wee small hours of the morning 14 years ago while I was nursing my firstborn. I used to work in a corporate environment, and after my daughter was born, I decided to be a stay at home mum. Even though I was certain I didn’t want to return to paid work, I received lots of comments (well meant I am sure) about how that would be a waste of my education, how it would be a shame that I no longer contribute financially, how I would now be dependent on my husband for money. Your blog came at a time where it reaffirmed my decision to be a SAHM, and that a simpler life, at home with my children, was what I really wanted. Not climbing the corporate ladder. I’ve always been hesitant to comment because there have been comments by others that expressed what I wanted to say more eloquently. But this being your last post, I wanted to say Thank You for all your years of posting and sharing your knowledge. All the best to you, Rhonda xx
    PS. I am still a SAHM and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

  43. Much love and thanks to you. From NZ Ingrid

  44. Dear Rhonda, I am glad you are doing what makes you happy in your life. I have not commented more than once or twice in the the last 13 to 15 years I’ve been reading your blog. I have enjoyed your articles and both your books. I am 57 my and my husband is almost 72 and I have learned a lot from your kind gentle teaching method. My husband even asks what is going on on your blog and he ask about no other blogger. As always I will come back and reread your blog posts as I have many times over the years. Thank you for every thing you have given us. God Bless You Donna

  45. Thank you for passing on your wisdom Rhonda. It's your time now. Enjoy x

  46. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us, you have helped countless people to transform their lives. I now regularly make soap & cleaning products after reading your first book. You have inspired me to live a simple life, to cook from scratch, to enjoy being at home, to close the front gate. I will always remember meeting you in Wangaratta when you were on your book tour for The Simple Home. I am sad you will no longer be blogging, but I wish you all the best in this next stage. Thank you Rhonda. xx

  47. I found you through Claire Bowditch and have read your Blog from time/time. Take good care and thank you for sharing your ideas, thoughts and love 🙏

  48. Thank you Rhonda for the time and love you have put into this blog. It has been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration. This is actually my first ever comment but I have read this blog and your books for many years and they have become a constant resource for me. All the best for the years ahead.

  49. Thank you Rhonda. For just being here and sharing your life with us. What a wonderful gift you have given the world and I hope your coming years are full to the brim with love, peace and contentment. Wishing all the very best ❤️

  50. Rhonda, I have referred to your blog multi times over the years for everything that need! From vinegar to laundry soap to pasta making. Thank you Rhonda, I will miss your blogs, but I do understand. Live your best ever life!

  51. I've only been reading your blog for six years but it has been wonderful to have your voice in this corner of the internet. Thank you! Congratulations on what must be a bittersweet decision and on creating something beautiful, and inspiring.

  52. Dear Rhonda, thank you for all your wisdom over the years. I've followed you for quite a while and remember back when I first discovered your blog, that you sent my my first luffa seeds. We still have vines in our yard and still use the dried out fruits as pot scrubbers.
    I wish you all the joy and happiness in your future. Kindly, Jaime.x.

  53. Thankyou for sharing all your valuable helpful ideas. I wish you well & hope you find enjoyment in all you do. I will look forward to seeing you on instagram.

  54. Hello Dearest Rhonda,
    Thank you, thank you for all your time, effort and wisdom over the last 16 years, I have been reading for at least 12 of those and was thrilled to start blogging with all the tools you taught in your blogging course. I wish you and your beautiful family peace, health and happiness always. Kindest regards

  55. Thank you so much Rhonda and all the best for the future 💕💕💕💕💕

  56. Hi Rhonda, I've appreciated your wisdom and sharing of experience and knowledge over the years I've been reading your blog. I'm glad you will leave the blog open so that others can continue to learn from me and I totally understand why you will no longer continue to blog. I wish you nothing but the very best and all the time and health to continue to do the things you want to do. Blessings.💕💕💕

  57. Thank you for all that you have shared, and for inspiring and encouraging so many to slow down and live more simply and sustainably. Your books are wonderful and I will share them with my kids as they get older. Wishing you all the best

  58. Dear Rhonda, thank you so much for sharing your life and your wisdom with us all. I wish you and your gorgeous pooch a blessed and enjoyable life. See you on Insta xxx

  59. I shall miss your blog Rhonda. I hope you have a wonderful time enjoying your family and friends. Cheers Maureen O'Rourke

  60. You will be so missed in this space Rhonda! Enjoy everything and thank you!

  61. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and a view into your life for all these years. I have followed you through most of this time and have learned so much from you. Thanks also for leaving your blog up for reference. I'm looking forward to your posts on Instagram, and I'm happy for you that you've made the decision that is best for you. Much love!

  62. Everything I want to say has been said so many times already in all the comments, you have changed peoples lives for the better with your knowledge and advice. Thankyou for your Insta posts, Blog and books I constantly refer back to them and will always will. Take care and enjoy your less busy life 💗

  63. Thank you, Rhonda, for the many, many years of wisdom, love and friendship. I think I have been a loyal reader from almost the beginning. I was a young mother of 3 young boys when I first started reading, and now I am a no longer young mother of 3 young adult men. You helped shape me during the most important years of my life. I am a pretty quiet person, so have not commented much, but I had to reach out one last time to tell you how much I've appreciated you and what an inspiration you are. Your blog is the only one I read, and I will miss you very much. I wish you the very, very best and hope you enjoy all that life has in store for you going forward. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers, always. Warmly, Donna

  64. Thank you, Rhonda, from another Rhonda (this one in California)! I believe in everything you've written about over the years. Our shared values made reading your blog very satisfying. I wish you many beautiful things!

  65. Thank you for sharing your life and wisdom on this blog. I will miss your posts. I made your lasagne today;) Wishing you the best as you have time to pursue other outlets. Best regards, sally
    Where can I find you on instagram?

    1. On Instagram it is rhondahetzel

  66. Thank you Rhonda for the years you dedicated to teaching us. I discovered you and your blog when my children were small (the youngest is 15 now!!) and it launched me on a journey I never knew existed! These days cooking from scratch, cleaning, growing vegetables and preserving the harvest are my life, and I LOVE it! I would never have done it without people like you. God Bless you 🙏

  67. I have only just discovered your blog but I am glad you are leaving all your posts so I can continue to learn from you by starting at the beginning.

  68. Thank you Rhonda - I'll never forget the day that I came across your book. It was absolutely life changing. Thank you for your blog, your books and for showing us all how beautiful it is to live a Simple Life.
    Wishing you all the very best x

  69. Thank you Rhonda. Best wishes for all your upcoming adventures. - Savitha

  70. Thank you Rhonda for sharing your writings with us, they have been very informative. I have enjoyed following what you have been up to over the years. I hope that you gain great enjoyment with the activities that you wish to pursue. I do follow your installation account, so will look forward to your posts and pictures of Gracie!

  71. Thank you for sharing a piece of you! You've helped me more than you could ever know. Enjoy this time of allowing down and being with your family💗

  72. Thank you Rhonda. I’ve never commented and not sure how long I’ve been following but I know it’s quite a few years. I love everything you do and find you so inspiring. Best wishes to you, Gracie and your family. Enjoy your well deserved retirement 💐

  73. I am so sorry to see you go but understand the pressure of a blog. You will be missed by many. Nancy in Washington state. I can’t figure out why this browsers tells me I am logged in and the shows anonymous.

  74. Hi Rhonda, Thankyou for your blog I have really enjoyed it and hope you will get to all those things you enjoy. Thankyou for your inspiration to live a simpler life. Genny

  75. Oh Rhonda, I am so sad, tears are in my eyes, but I get it, I understand it's time for you and I wish you all the very best. Thank you so much for all your wisdom, I still refer to your books regularly, they are stained, torn and some pages are dog eared. I still trawl your blog posts when I need inspiration or advice. Many, many years ago I contacted you privately and you were so good to reply and steer me onto the right track. Selfishly, I will miss you in your blog writing, but I am thankful you will still post on instagram. You are loved by so many. Thank you. xo

  76. Thank you Rhonda. Your blog has been a lovely place to visit.

  77. Thank you for your wisdom, inspiration and encouragement to live out of the mindless consumerism treadmill. I love rereading your posts. Wishing you all the very best for the future!

  78. Thank you Rhonda for many years of sharing your story with us. Your blog has been my go-to for so long and I'm really going to miss seeing your updates. Just this morning I looked up your page to see if there was an update! I feel lucky to have met you and Hanno all those years ago at Arana Hills Library. Wishing you all the best for peace and happiness in your future, doing what you love. xx Karin

  79. I started reading when in my early 20s now I am in the late 30s thank you for travelling with me. This is my first comment in your blog. I thank you for sharing your wisdom and I pray for your health. Will surely miss you

  80. Dear Rhonda, for many years you have been an anchor to me. I will never forget your blog post as an answer to my queston: 'Bloom where you are planted'. It still is one of my favorite guidelines. Thank you so much for all those years sharing your thoughts and wisdom with us. Although we all understand you decision, I think we all will miss you as one of our dearest friends. Luckily I am one of those who bought your book in the early days, so you will always be close to me. Please take good care of yourself ♡ Lots of love from Holland

  81. Dear Rhone, nityaa from India.. I found your blog in my early 20s now I am in my late 30s you have travelled with me all these years. I have always been a silent reader . I didn't know my first text to you will be in the last blog. Though I am sad. I wish you to take care of your health. This blog will always be my comfort place, which I will revisit again and again. My prayers and love ❤to you. Will miss you.

  82. Thank you and your family for the time you have shared with us all. Now is the time for you to share with your loved ones. I have learnt so much and taught so much from the wonderful insight you have shared with the world. Take a deep breath and soak in the love and happiness you have given to so many of us. I shall now will continue following you on IG as I have done since you first started there as I have since 2007 on your blog. Sandi

  83. Thank you Rhonda from the bottom of my heart all your blog posts and your blog was the very first one I found back in 2008 or 2009 and set up my first veggie garden and got chooks. I refer to your blog and recipes often so I'm pleased to see we will still have access to such a remarkable resource. I have met both you and Hanno way back when at a library talk with the fellow from New Farm Unit block who now has property out near Fernvale way. I hope the next 10 years brings you a slow and joyful life with your kids and grandkids who I can't believe are growing up so fast. I remember when the first one was born. So thank you and God bless you have been an inspiration and I have all your books too. All the best. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  84. Good bye Rhonda. Thank you for all the encouragement you've given to us over the years. Kia kaha

  85. Oh this makes me very sad to hear but I felt it was coming also. I am glad to hear you will still be on Instagram however, as we all love seeing photos of what you have been upto and of Gracie as well. You have been like a Grandmother to me (and to countless others no doubt too) and I feel I have learned so much from you over the years that I have been reading your wonderful blog and re-reading your treasured books. I wish you all the very best Rhonda and I hope you know we will all be thinking of you often as we live our simple lives trying to make ends meet. You are an inspiration. 💓💓💓

  86. Thank you Rhonda for your calm presence & simple, beautiful outlook & ideas. Thank you also to Gracie who has made me laugh! Take care of your dear self & enjoy this time for you. Much love, Jo xxoo ❤🧡❤

  87. Dear Rhonda, all my best wishes for you. A few years ago I wanted to learn soap making, but it seemed overwhelming. Finally I tried it with your recipe and it worked! I was so happy. I thank you that you will leave the blog opened. There are so many important things to find. God bless. Heike from Germany

  88. Thank you Rhonda for sharing the good times and bad times with us and everything in between. You feel like a familiar friend, even though we have never met each other. You have been an amazing and inspiring person to so many people. You made the art of being a homemaker a wonderful thing to embrace and honour. I wish you so many good things for the next step of your adventure, only sad I won't be cheering you on from the sidelines. Kindest regards and much aroha (love) Julie in New Zealand

  89. Thank you Rhonda for so many wonderful years of advice and tips here on your blog. I foolow you on Instagram so will continue to read all your news there. Lots of love from WA.

  90. Dear Rhonda, thank you so much for your all your words. I’ve re-read the posts about budgeting and living on one income many times, especially recently - your words are helping me get through a very testing time.

    I have all of your books. Your writing is always so reassuring and full of hope and optimism, I really appreciate that you’ve shared what you know. Thank you for showing that simplifying and streamlining, getting out of debt and making your house work for you are achievable and that it’s good preparation for when times are hard.

    I’m so glad you are taking time for you. See you on Instagram. Xx

  91. Wishing you all the best in the years to come. And I can not thank you enough. I learned so much from you. Thank you dear

  92. Thank you so much, Rhonda. You have always been so helpful to me. May God bless you with many more healthy years.

  93. I have valued your practical wisdom and tenacity to keep on a path that may sometimes seem like 'the road less traveled'.....but, as you know, is shared with like-minded people all around the world. Much love from me, an American (and now a 'Nana') in Cape Town, South Africa. See you on Instagram~Rebecca

  94. Thank you for all the inspiration you've given to me.... Agnes

  95. Dear Rhonda, I found your blog in the aftermath of the GFC and a downturn in our small business and had three children mid teenage and younger. I so appreciated your encouragement in the simple things and it truly made a difference in my family’s life. I learnt to make soap and bread, started a vege garden, finally got some hens and knitted dish cloths. In isolation none of these things would make much of a difference, but what they did was change my attitude to consumption. Thank you for your efforts all these years, and your encouragement for change. I’ll be keeping an eye out over on Instagram ❤️

  96. Bedankt Rhonda voor alle jaren leesplezier en fijne tips. Fijn dat de blog gewoon te lezen blijft.❤

  97. Rhonda, thank you so very much for your inspirational chats over these many years. Even though I have not written much, I have loved reading your wise words, and collected all your books.
    I look forward to seeing you on Instagram.
    Keep well and safe. Best wishes Janet

  98. I'll miss you. You were a perfect source of inspiration at a time I needed it. Now is the time to slow down a tad. I gave your book a quick dust today as it has pride of place in my hallway. I look forward to continuing our 'relationship' on Insta. Thank you and take care 🙂

  99. It has been wonderful to follow your blog and you have influenced and guided so many of us in a positive encouraging way. I have learnt a great deal from you and I thank you for your time and effort. I will follow you on Instagram. Wishing you, your family and Gracie much health and happiness. Xx

  100. Oh dear! I'll miss you so much but I totally get it! Wishing you all the best and a heartfelt thank you for opening my eyes and guiding me along this, sometimes difficult, path of sustainable and frugal living! Love from The Netherlands, Marleen

  101. Thank you Rhonda. When I first became a mother I felt so unequipped to manage my days & live with gracious frugality & make our home and I absorbed every word you wrote with such appreciation.You have been such a gentle, common sense inspiration. Thank you for all your guidance and for sharing so much of yourself over the years with us. Blessings for this next season of your life. In gratitude, Tara.

  102. Thank you Rhonda, I have learned a lot from you! Wishing you good years and enjoyment ahead. Best wishes from the Netherlands.

  103. Thank you writing your blog, with best wishes for the future, Sarah in Scotland

  104. Thank you for all you have shared over the past 16 yrs … you will be missed 🥹 - Rose, ChCh, New Zealand 🇳🇿

  105. Thank you Rhonda for all of the wisdom you have shared. You opened my eyes to another (simpler) way of life. Best wishes to you!

  106. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, experience and wisdom. I've been reading your books and blog for a long time - I'm glad you're still on Instagram. But I understand wanting to stop and wish you health and enjoyment.

  107. I’ve loved reading your blog for many years. I have both your books and often grab them out and reread sections as needed. Thanks for sharing your life, stories and wisdom. Much love Marsha 😘

  108. Thank you for your blog. I've dipped in and out over the years and relished the help. I'm delighted that much of the advice I've taken has borne fruit in that I see my offspring (3 daughters, 1son, aged 18- 33) choosing to embrace the advantages of technology whilst ignoring the hustle in favour of simple lives. I'm so happy that the blog will still be accessible.

  109. Thank you, Rhonda, for sharing your life so graciously. I was so pleased to see that the blog will remain open so your wisdom remains accessible.

  110. I am so sad to read this but I totally understand. I have all your books sitting on my bookshelves in Malaysia to keep me company and I thank you for writing them. Do have a good break and I will try follow you Instagram tho I am not an Instagram person :)

  111. Thank you dear Rhonda
    Your inspiration will live on in my heart
    God bless you today and every dsy ❤️❤️❤️

  112. You have done an incredible amount of work which is greatly appreciated. I am thankful that you will leave the blog up for us to read the archives. I hope you are feeling well and that you enjoy the next phase of what you would like to do. God bless you!

  113. Thank you for all your time, energy and wisdom over the years. See you on Insta! 😊

  114. Thank you for your inspiration and sharing. I live in the Netherlands and have both your books here. Wish you all the best, lots of love and blessings!

  115. Thank you so much Rhonda for all you have shared with us over the years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your Blog and your books (multiple times) and have learnt so much from you. Wishing you much joy and happiness - Merilyn 💐❤️

  116. I will miss your posts Rhonda, and will go back and read the previous ones. Thank you. Best
    wishes to
    you and your family. ❤️❤️❤️ Lydia

  117. I'll miss you, you've been a guide, an example, a pleasure to read, I hope you'll have way more than 10 years ahead and that you'll be able to do whatever your heart wants to, thank you for every moment, every word, everything.

  118. How has it been 16years!? I remember finding your blog after reading a post of yours on a forum of years past...gosh the name escapes me, green living something??? My son was still being breastfed, he is now 17...it all makes sense.

    Through the blog, the forums, the books, Instagram...I have followed along, quietly. I felt (feel) connected, accepted, not quite so different.
    The choice to live simply, slower, is a valid, intentional choice, you reminded me of that. I'll always be grateful.
    Much love Cassandra

  119. What a legacy your leaving us with Rhonda. You have given so many people globally the tools to carry your mantle going forward, spreading the word and idea that it is possible to simplify and live a life more sustainable. I have your books where they will remain for future generations of my family. The content of your work whether on the blog or books have already had an impact on my children, as they now follow my lead. Blessings and all the very best for the future. Juliet UK 🇬🇧

  120. You will be sorely missed, lovey. I wish you God's grace and all the happiness your heart can hold. What a blessing you have been to so many. Thank you for leaving the blog accessible. Peace.

  121. I have followed you the entire time but haven't commented much. Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom with us over the years. I hope this next part of your journey brings you much happiness.

  122. Good luck in the future Rhonda. Enjoy your time doing the things you really love and want to do. I've enjoyed reading your blog this past 10 years, but I will continue to follow you on instagram going forward.

  123. Thank you so much! Love from the Netherlands

  124. Dear Rhonda Jean, thank you for all your wonderful, wise posts. I will miss reading them, but I totally understand. Fortunately I can still follow you on instagram and will do so.

    Monique Elisabeth
    The Netherlands

  125. Thank you for a wonderful blog. I’ve always enjoyed reading your wise words and put some of what I read into practice . I wish you a healthy and vibrant retirement. God bless you and your family.

  126. Thank you 🙏. You will be missed.❤️. Every time I came to the blog it was like visiting a friend. I wish you peace, love and many more blessings to come.

  127. Wishing you all the best in the future. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I will miss reading your posts.

  128. Thanks for this informative, friendly blog, Rhonda. I learned a lot from you and your commenters. Take care of yourself and Gracie, and I'll see you on Instagram.

  129. Dear Rhonda, thank you for sharing your life and wisdom with us all of these years. I am so happy to hear you will still be on instagram and that we can still access your blog for all your wonderful posts. Much love to you and your family. Karen from CT (junklover53)

  130. Thank you for all the years you have dedicated to your down to earth blog. I have learned so much from it and you have been such an inspiration in my quest to live a simpler life and not give in to the consumerism all around me. You have given so much of your time and energy to make this world a better place. I am sad to not have any new blog posts to read but look forward to your posts on Instagram. Thank you also for sharing so much of your personal life with us. I count you as a friend whom I have never met. Wishing you the best going forward. Much love, Vicky from North Carolina USA.

  131. Dear Rhonda: I am a 75 year old woman who has for all my life tried to reduce my impact on the planet. It was a lonely slog until I found your blog and the reinforcement of my ideals. I have tried your recipes. I have felt that I had a friend out there on the other side of the world who was like me but had the gift of being a great teacher. Your impact on like minded people is immeasurable. What a legacy! I'm so glad that you will leave your posts up; they will be a guide for many to come.
    I thank you for sharing your wisdom and wish you many years of contentment. I hope to see your art posted on Instagram as the years go by.

  132. It has been a pleasure to get to know you and your family and have all that great information on sustainable and intelligent living available to us. I was rather thinking that you might retire soon. I hope you are happy and healthy and of course; I will check into Instagram from time to time. You will be missed by us all; and thank you for your years of service and inspiration.

  133. Rhonda, sincere thanks for all the years that you gave us the benefit of your sound advice, your recipes, household hints, etc. I have followed you for years and always looked forward to your next post. Love and best wishes to yourself and Gracie. Stay well. I will continue to follow you on Instagram.

  134. I’ve enjoyed your blog for many years. Wishing you a peaceful and long happy time with all that gives you joy. X

  135. Thank you very much for the words of wisdom and inspiration down the years, Rhonda. When I read your post this morning, I was assaulted by a huge sense of loss. Your voice and narrative have always stood out for me in this cacophonous internet world. I've always delighted in your weekly reading suggestions and no-nonsense view of life that you have so consistently portrayed. Have a great time ahead! With lots of love and hugs from Kerala, India.

  136. Many thanks for all you've shared here. I'm happy to know I'll still "see" you on IG. Best wishes for days that fill you up with all the goodness you desire.

  137. Thank you for the years of wisdom. It has been appreciated. I wish you the best.

  138. Hi Rhonda, I've not commented before, but have read your blog for many years. You have changed my life, as you have so many of your readers. I've learned to make soap, laundry liquid, green cleaners; I've learned to love and appreciate the little things that make a simple and happy life. I have both your books and love your writing. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for leaving your blog open as it's such an amazing reference! I wish you all the happiness you deserve in the future. ❤️ Tess in UK

  139. I discovered your blog only a year or two ago--and I'm not sure if I've ever commented. My husband and I, now retired in Kentucky, USA, have followed a similar lifestyle of gardening, frugality and country life. I will miss your posts, but I understand about prioritizing as age slowly saps our energies. Be well!

  140. Hi Rhonda,
    Just wanted to say a simple 'thank you'. Finding your blog early on is what started my family on our journey to simple, frugal living. If we hadn't begun living this intentional life, I shudder to think how we would be making it these days. I hope you enjoy your next season and live as fiercely as ever. You're a courageous woman who chose the 'road less travelled' and showed the rest of us how life can be lived well. Joy and peace to you and yours- Patty

  141. I will miss your posts Rhonda. I have so enjoyed popping by for a visit for many years now. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in letting your readers know that you are stopping blogging. So many bloggers just disappear, which can be quite upsetting. Take care and enjoy your retirement! Love Tracy X

  142. Thank you so much, I have learnt a lot by reading your blog. Thank you for allowing us to still access it. I hope that you are aware of how many Women you have helped over the past 16 years. People can judge a lot about a person by their writing. You are an amazing Woman,and I hope that you never forget that !!! xx

  143. Thank you sweet lady for some lovely words and advice. Take care and enjoy your next chapter in your life xxx. I will miss you xx

  144. Thank you dear lady for the wonderful blog. Your time is now your own to do as you wish, just simply enjoy every minute. Sending you all the love in the world ❤️❤️. Jan in Castle Gresley, Derbyshire, UK

  145. Thank you for your wisdom and love. Good tidings!!

  146. I've loved reading your blog for many years and I've learned such a lot. Thank you. But you have to do what's best for you. Look after yourself xxx

  147. Thank you for all the information and encouragement you have provided. I wish you well on your further journeys.

  148. Thank you Rhonda for all the great inspiring things you've shared here! I'm happy you will be posting on instagram now and then, I always enjoy those little snippets of your life!! So see you over there ❤️❤️❤️

  149. As with everyone else, your blog has been quite special and has helped so many people. Best to you on your new adventures.

  150. I am a frequent reader and infrequent commenter. I will miss your posts and wish you all the best.

  151. Deepest gratitude for all the calm and comfort you have provided through your blog Rhonda. It's been an inspiration to me and a steady reminder as to what is truly important. Your sensible and pragmatic posts will be deeply missed but look forward to seeing you on Insta. Thank you for reminding us in your final post to get joy into everyday and to know when to let go x

  152. I really understand your decision and am forever so grateful for everything you wrote. Love your books and that the blog will stay open to reread. But I am also sad.... I wish you all that is good for hopefully many years to come. Take care Rhonda!

  153. Although I was saddened by your post it may possibly be the most important lesson you have shared. It is so important to recognize when things that previously brought pleasure interefere with life in the present, feel free to let those things go. Best wishes on family time and doing what matters most to you. I will follow you on Instagram for your briefer pearls of wisdom and continue to look back on the blog for inspiration.

  154. Rhonda...thank you for it all. I have followed from the beginning but have rarely commented for life reasons. I have learned so much and your beef stew recipe is still my go to. I wish you all the best in the next chapter of your life. I know you will make the most of it. Take care.

  155. thank you very much Rhonda for hat you have done and best wishes to you and your family . annette

  156. Sending love and best wishes to you, Rhonda. May there be something in each and every day that brings you joy.

    Your writing here, and the workshop I did with you, certainly influenced my life in many positive ways and I think that will be true also for many others.
    Thank you for sharing, for so long, your words and wisdom.

    Meg Xx

  157. Many thanks for sharing your journey with us. Thanks, too, for letting us continue to access your archive. You have left us a wonderful legacy. I discovered your blog during the pandemic lockdown, and immediately knew I had found a kindred spirit, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I’m 2 ½ years behind you in age and completely understand how this is a time for reevaluating life. I know in the next year, I will leave some former passions behind, not because I care any less about the subjects— it’s just that the activity involved has become more work than pleasure. I want to reorganize my priorities and lead with what I really enjoy in the time I have left. I honor your decision and wish you the very best in enjoying your life. Stay safe and well! I’ll see you on Instagram. XO

  158. Rhonda, thank you so much for all the knowledge you shared over the years. I enjoyed it so much and it inspired me to simplify my life. Wishing you all the best for the coming years for you and your loved ones

  159. Thank you for all your great advice wishing you lots of happiness and luck in what you do next

  160. Thank you as many others have said.
    Your courage over the last 2 years has been an inspiration to me.
    I've enjoyed reading a blog from “ the other side of the world” and as others have said I'll go back to the beginning and reread your posts.
    Thank you for leaving them up.
    It's a sort of bereavement but you must follow your heart and do what is best for you.
    Instagram will keep us in touch for now.

  161. Thank you Rhonda for sharing your life and loves over the years, we now have a library of stories, recipes and information to return to. Best wishes to you and your family for the future. Janice xx

  162. I want to be selfish and say "NOOOOO!!" but I can not. You have given me so much over the years. Enjoy retirement!!

  163. Thank you for everything - I’ve enjoyed your blog for years and love your books. Full of inspiration and practical, sensible advice. I’ll miss your posts but look forward to Instagram updates. Wishing you a happy and well-earned retirement x

  164. Thank you for your wisdom and generosity to share it. You changed so many lives, you certainly have changed mine for the better. I wouldn’t be where and who I am without you. All the very very best for your next chapter. I hope it will involve some visit to Trish and the Blue Mountains. If so, please contact me for a visit! I will definitely follow you on IG. Lots of love!💕 Corinne

  165. Like many I thank you for you, honest and inspiring posts. I have learnt so much from you. Good luck for the future, enjoy exploring new things and having time to do what you want, when you want. Stay well and happy. X

  166. Thank you so much for everything you have shared with us. I'm sad, but I understand your decision.
    Thank you for leaving your blog open, I will come often. I wish you many years of happiness.
    Take care, Rhonda.

  167. May God bless you always. Thank you for all you have given to us through these years. You have blessed our lives.

  168. Thankyou for sharing your ideas, thoughts and passion. I only discovered your blog a year ago, but have found myself using it as a resource frequently since. I have young children and want to reinforce the down to earth principles to them. Make, reuse and save. I will be following on Instagram and am so glad your blog won't be entirely turned off - it will continue to be used along with your books that I have. Thankyou Rhonda for sharing so much.

  169. I've looked forward to you adventures and your wisdom for many years, since the days of the forum. You've helped to inspire my life's journey into retirement - the decisions we've made as a family on what we'd like our life to feel like. My boys have grown up with your home-made cleaners, having their favorite jackets mended rather than trashed and munching happily on your delicious orange cake (many teachers have made their way into the back of the school library to have a sunny snack of it as well). As I sit here, with both of your books on the coffee table and a half-finished knitted wash cloth on my needles I wish you so much peace and happiness and will miss hearing your stories. Thank you for everything you have done.

  170. Have only recently started reading your blog - I am In the UK and I love the way you write it always seems so gentle and wise I had started reading from the start so it's good that it will stay online. I wish you all the very best in the future

  171. Thank you so much for your many years of generous sharing of wisdom, practical advice and encouragement. I have learned and incorporated so many frugal, earth conscious and beautiful habits through your blog and books. So sad to learn that this blog will end, but I understand and wish you well.

  172. Hello Rhonda,
    It has been an absolute pleasure to follow your blog. What a wonderful legacy you have in this blog! I am thrilled I will still be able to read your posts. I often go back and re-read them as I forget things and need the reminder. I don't do any social media, so I won't be "seeing" you on Instagram, but when I come back to your blog, you will be on my mind and I will send a prayer and love your way. Wishing you many years to come of good health and lots of love and laughter.


  173. Thank you so much Rhonda for so freely sharing about your simple life. I have been reading your blog for many years and my family has benefited so much as we’ve learnt many new skills.
    Enjoy your time with Gracie and your family.

  174. I totally understand ... but I will miss you so much!! You are such an inspiration. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you shared! I wish you many happy and healthy years with your loved ones. With love, Clarien

  175. good luck and good fortune for the next stage of your life. I've been a long time follower and gained a lot from your wisdom and knowledge. Take care my friend and substitute mum.
    cheers kate

  176. Dear Rhonda, thank you for creating this blog and all the wonderful stories of your life living simply. Its been much needed respite from the productivity-heavy part of my life as I approach 40 this year. I wish you all the best in your plans after the blog. With love, Kim (Sydney)

  177. Thank you so much for all you have done, I have both of your books which are amazing, I have followed you for so many years. Will be keeping you in my prayers. Sue

  178. Thank you Rhonda. I'll miss your words and your kind way with them.

  179. Thank you for so so many years of encouragment, creativity, ideas and instruction. Be well, hope we will see you on Instagram. blessings, Niki (Rural Writings)

  180. Hello Rhonda,
    Thank you so much for everything you have shared. I wish you the best for the future.

  181. Thank you, Rhonda, thank you

  182. Thank you Rhonda for all your knowledge. Your writing brings such comfort and reassurance that it’s ok to not want to live in the rat race and be keeping up with the Joneses. Your writing will be missed. I will always treasure my copy of Down to Earth.

  183. Thank you for being a wealth of knowledge and friendship to so many. I’m so pleased the blog will live on so we can refer back to recipes and all things Rhonda. I started following you in 2008 when I started my blog. I’ll continue to follow you on Insta. All the best dear lady. - Joolz

  184. Dear Rhonda,
    Thank you for your books, your advice so generously shared, and the blog which has given me such pleasure to visit.
    I wish you every blessing now and in the years ahead.

  185. Thankyou for all you've shared with us .Wishing you all the best 🪴😊

  186. Wishing you the best. Thank you for keeping blog up to read.

  187. Thank you Rhonda. I will miss your wise words, I will miss seeing Gracie, I will miss YOU😢 Thanks to you I have heaps of dish cloths and washing powder... All the best, enjoy what you plan on doing with your time. Xxxxx💐

  188. Thank you for your wise words, your encouragement, your leadership. You will be very much missed, but I applaud your courage in knowing when it’s “time” to end something that isn’t working so well for you any more. Wishing you all the best for the future, and new projects, or just doing what you do best. Thank you for sharing your family and home - and Gracie - with us. Love and Light. Em.

  189. All the best for future peace and happiness to Rhonda and Gracie. I have enjoyed spending time with you both.

  190. Hi Rhonda, Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge here. Your book became my bible when my sister bought me a copy years ago. I revisit the pages when I feel like everything is just getting on top of me, and it always brings me back down to earth ☺️ Thank you! And wishing you all the very best on your new adventures ❤️


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