8 November 2020

Where to buy Down to Earth paperback

I thought about writing a new book to show how simple life could help you thrive when Covid is active in your community. But when I thought about it, I’d already written it - Down to Earth is all about living in a safe and comfortable home, providing as much as you want to produce in your home, cooking wholesome food, growing, fermenting and preserving food, mending and recycling, slowing down, keeping your family close and being comfortable in your own skin. So instead of writing another book, Down to Earth has been published as a paperback with a ten dollar drop in price.

The Down to Earth paperback was published on 20 October and I’ve had a number of people from all over the world ask where they can buy it. So I’ve done some research and come up with this list. Thank you all for your support.

Many independent book shops. Ask them to order it in if it’s not there.
Woolworths - for the first time, Down to Earth will be sold at Big W soon, certainly in time for Christmas shopping.

UK, Europe and Asia
Book Depository with free postage

North America
Amazon Canada - please note: it states on the page that the book will be released March 2021. That’s not correct. It was published 20 October, 2020 and is available now.
Amazon USA - please note: it states on the page that the book will be released March 2021. That’s not correct. It was published 20 October, 2020 and is available now.


  1. This would make a brilliant Christmas present for anyone. I already have my hardback edition from when it very first came out, but you have reminded me that it really is time to re-read it.

  2. Hi Rhonda, Down to Earth, the paperback is showing on amazon.co.uk Again it says available from March 2021.
    Just thought I would let you know.
    Lee from the UK

    1. Thanks Lee, much appreciated. I'm trying to get it sorted out.

  3. Amazon says the book is on pre-order at the moment. I hate ordering from them as they are one of those mega-companies that do not have a good business model or world view. They are large consumers and put smaller companies out of business. They have far too much money. I am only hoping I can order my copy from someone else.

    1. I'm aware of Amazon's world domination, Hopflower but to reach an international audience, we have to deal with the stores eager to stock the books.

  4. I think that the other smaller stores would be (eager); if they could get a chance. Rhonda, I feel that this store is everything that you are against in a lot of ways. I will try to order one through a smaller store who may be able to get one for me. It is a local shop; and more than glad to take orders for books. I will not buy from Amazon.

    1. All they need to do at a small book shop is to place an order through Penguin. So that's perfect.

  5. Hi Rhonda,
    So pleased to hear your book has been published in paperback. I actually recently got my hardback copy out to look up some preserving info and have become engrossed in budgeting and revising my savings plan! Thank you. I remember seeing you in Castlemaine back when you were on the book tour and you signed my copy. I hope you and Hanno are both keeping well and happy. Lovely to see you are still blogging. You make a good point, your book is a perfect manual for navigating covid. Warm regards, Christine xx (previously slowlivingessentials)

    1. Hello Christine! How lovely to hear from you. Of course I remember you and your blog. Our budgets need a look at every couple of years and at times like these. I'm glad you're still using the book. Hanno and I are fine at the moment. We went out for a drive into the countryside yesterday and will spend some time in the garden today. I hope all is good in your neck of the woods. xx

  6. I am so excited to see the link for Amazon USA and i just happen to have an Amazon gift card to use. Yay! Looking forward to reading. -Kathy


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