6 January 2020

The fires in Australia and what you can do to help

As the final hours of 2019 rolled along, I sat with increasing sadness watching our country burn. Each new day revealed red landscape and sky and then news reports started trickling in of farmers, homeowners and volunteer firefighters who died protecting properties, and millions of helpless animals dying trying to escape the ferocious, unpredictable fires.  These are our unique and beautiful Australian animals - the kangaroos, koalas, wombats, echidnas, possums and bats as well as snakes, lizards, birds and insects. If you have the chance to donate to the recovery programs, please do so. Our communities and wildlife need all the help they can get. Some may never recover, the ones that might need financial assistance to start again.

You can donate to Red Cross, Salvation Army, Victoria's Country Fire Authority, NSW's Rural Fire Service,  or have a look on Instagram where there are quite a few people who have set up Go Fund Me pages to help rebuild their lost homes and farms. Also on Go Fund Me are Will Connolly (egg boy) and the wonderful Magda Szubanski who are fundraising for long term mental health care to support men, women and children traumatised by the fires. These funds will be administered by registered charities such as Beyond Blue when the short term care ends.

I have two more links for you specifically for wildlife rescue and support, courtesy of my nephew, David.  WIRES Emergency Fund for Wildlife and Wildlife Victoria.

I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart if you can help us rebuild our burnt country. ♥️



  1. such a sad time. We are struggling to breathe here in Canberra with the air pollution reaching over 4000 some days (safe is under 50.) We are all sharing where we can get P2 masks and posting to facebook if we have a home with airconditioning which helps to filter the smoke from our homes. Thoughts are with those who have lost lives and homes. I just blogged also about a few ways to help wildlife and charities.

    1. That would be so difficult living day-to-day. Stay strong, Jacinta. It will end. xx

  2. Thank you, Rhonda. It's all so horrifying.

  3. It's unbelievable the level of devastation that has occurred in Australia. I pray for strength and resources to rebuild and recover what can be rebuilt and recovered. Hugs. xx

  4. I now know volunteer fire fighters who are receiving grief about their commitment to this effort from employers. It has already been a long and tough time and it must seem relentless. Today I purchased two P2 masks. Two should be plenty for our immediate needs but I may pick up some more. My mother thinks I am batty but better safe than sorry since we are both asthmatic.

    On a personal level I am choosing to donate to those directly in need. I dont want money lost in administration fees etc.

  5. Thank you for these Rhonda, for those of us who are faraway in other continents we are watching the events unfold with horror. I cannot begin to imagine what you are all going through whether you are near the fires or not. My thoughts are with you all at this really difficult time for your country.

    1. I completely agree with you, sustainablemum. Here in the UK we have been moaning about months of rain. If only there was a way we could send some to Australia, we would. We are all neighbours in the global village and watching catastrophe strike an entire country is horrifying.

  6. My heart goes out to all in AU today. Thank you for posting names of reputable charities that are helping at this terrible time. I'll be sure to pass this list along. Keeping you and all of AU in my thoughts, today and every day.

  7. I am currently waiting on the sale of my house to go through so I know how much money I can send to help. I'm hoping to split my donation between the folks who are directly affected and wildlife help and rescue. Please keep us all posted if you can. How far away are you from the fires? It's hard to know from the U.S.

    1. A wise decision to split your donation, Claudia. Thank you. I will keep you all updated as the days go on. As you can imagine, things are chaotic at the moment and the fires are still raging. My list is made up of well known and trusted organisations and people.

      Hanno and I live in Queensland, north of the fires you've been hearing about, and although we've had fires all along the east coast of Australia and in South Australia, those near us were contained fairly quickly.

  8. Everyone I know here in the US are horrified at what is happening in your beautiful country. Thank you for providing information on how to donate. My heart is breaking at the pictures that I have seen. Be safe.

  9. Fires are certainly devastating - keep safe.

  10. It's heart breaking, and it seems like this summer will never end. Our fires are currently out (minus some hot spots) but everything is so dry it's of little relief. It feels like we are playing a waiting game for another fire at any stage. The understory of our rainforest is dead, the mist that usually rises from our hills is totally non-exist, our creeks are dry and our river is stagnant black pools of water with fire retardant residue that backwashed when the firies filled up their trucks.

    Sadness and anger is everywhere, recovery on this scale seems insurmountable and the fires will be burning for weeks yet. We have dear friends who have lost their farms and homes and sadly we know from personal experience what a horrible, challenging road recovery from a natural disaster is when you have lost it all.

    It's heart warming to see the city and the country unite over this disaster, peoples generosity is huge and flowing freely. I hope as a nation we come out stronger and closer when this is over.


  11. Many thanks for the links for fundraising, I was trying to figure out how to get money to good organizations in Australia for the fire fighting. My prayers are with you and your wonderful country. Love your blog ;).
    Hilogene in Az

  12. I am with Carolyn Marie, it has been heartbreaking to see such devastation. Thank you for the links to donate. With love from the US.

  13. I am so glad you posted the list of places to donate. Sometimes people don't donate at all because they don't know if they are donating to a reliable charity or a scam. Still praying for all of you in Australia and now I have a way to help financially. Stay safe, dear friend.

  14. I am sewing pouch linings from an old set of soft flannelette sheets today, Rhonda. Very simple straight sewing with the dimensions available on the WIRES website. These linings have to be changed regularly so lots of them will be required to help animals recovering from bushfire.


    1. Meg, it's great knowing that you're sewing pouches for WIRES. I'm just about to write a post about a sewing bee. I hope you come back later and check it out. xx

  15. Thank you for giving us reliable ways to donate otherwise we'd have no idea here in the UK that we can actually do something to help. Elaine x.

  16. Thanks for posting this Rhonda, I will do what I can to help now I know where to start. I know first hand about wildfires and how terrifying and destructive they can be. Bless you all and I hope it is contained soon.

  17. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I've sent a donation to the Australian Red Cross using your link. Thank you

    1. Thanks Angela. It's appreciated very much. xx

  18. It's so painful. I'll send a donation. And you alla are in our prayers.


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