26 July 2009

Sunday viewing & reading - preserving food

I came across a very good series of You Tube videos on dehydrating foods recently. There are a few there and well worth taking some time for.

Also, this site has some excellent advice on preserving/canning.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend.


  1. Do you dehydrate any of your food? I watched all the videos and it was very interesting. Thank for sharing!

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    Thank you for another good article.

    I tried to open the link you provided for the canning and preserving articles but it would not allow access. I did receive a message about the address not being in proper format.

    I just tried to dehydrate basil from my garden and used a friends dehydrator...it took soooooo long. I usually dry herbs in brown paper bags or in the oven but wanted to try the machine to see if it made for a better dried herb. Based on my one and only experience I would say no for now...will look at(and hopefully try) some other models before investing in one.
    I have been drying in the oven or bags and when things are dry I either rub off the stems(rosemary, oregano, thyme,) or run through the blender(basil) to finish for bottling. Onions, celery tops and a few other items usually require just a couple of extra steps and then i have them for soups, stews and breads all during the fall and winter.
    I have not tried to do the tomatoes but am looking forward to trying them in a few days.
    My neighbor did some for packing in oil and gave us a small jar, they were very good!

  3. Rhonda,
    The link below has an entire section on drying foods from the garden and is pretty comprehensive.
    You Tube is such a helpful site.
    I enjoyed watching.

    www. How To Garden Advice . com

  4. Viv, it's something I might do in the future. At the moment, I'm just reading what I can about it.

    ithinkican, I fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know.

  5. It is funny that you posted this...My last post was on dehydrating. Great minds think alike! =0)

  6. Oh thank you. I will check out all the links!

  7. I love it! My dehydrators have been running almost non-stop for two days.

  8. Spent a bit of time going to back articles in your blog...I just want you to know I so thoroughly enjoy reading here...you have so many varied ideas and interests and have added just enough photos to be enticing!! THANKS!!

  9. A great weekend to you too. I'm going to take some time to view the links. Thank you!

  10. Oh my goodness those dehydrating videos are addictive...after 9 of them I am worn out! haha
    I am so encouraged about preserving now thank you.

  11. Thank you so much for the link to my site. I am glad that you found it helpful!

    I spent some time reading about your fish and garden thingy. Aquaponics? It looked like fun. Something my husband would probably get into. We've had fish in a tank in our back yard before but never considered adding a garden to the mix.

    I'm so glad to find you.


  12. Thanks Rhonda for the link to the dehydrated foods videos. I really got something important from them and feel reinspired to do more with my dehydrator.


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