This was first published, without the photo, on 5 March 2010 If I could, I would send all of you the magic words that would change ...
Hello everyone.  We'll be opening the forum at a new address tomorrow.  Today we're going to close the old forum and open up again ...
I haven't had much time for reading this week but here are my findings. I hope things have been good at your place and you have the ch...
This post was originally published 28 Dec 2010. A feeling of renewal always comes calling at this time of year. The new year is loomin...
This post was first published on 21 July 2011. I really enjoy living where we live. The climate is wonderful, we can grow food all year ...
This post was originally published 14 April, 2009. Fifteen years ago, when Hanno and I first bought this little house, we drove alo...
Tricia's husband died suddenly a few years ago and she spent the next couple of years deciding whether she would sell the family home a...
Thank you all for the good wishes and love sent during the week when I announced I'm writing another book. It's a wonderful opp...
Last week I wrote about soaking your rolled oats before you eat them and the benefits that  come from that. Today I thought I'd continu...
I'm delighted to tell you that last Friday I signed my third contract with Penguin for another book: The Simple Home . It will be a har...
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