This is what came from kitchen cupboards, there is more on the floor. The day has arrived. Today we'll finish clearing out the kitchen ...
The tentative beginnings of a quilt. The centre panel is an old pillow slip I bought from Ikea, that is bordered by leftover fabric from my...
All these photos of the garden were taken this morning. The garden is producing well at the moment so we've been able to cut back on wh...
This is the quark I made from my yoghurt last week. It drained for four days before I could get back to it, but that's fine as long as i...
We started our Christmas planning yesterday. Not here at home, but at the Centre where I work. Our two main projects are Santa's Help...
I often watch a local TV program on Sunday at lunchtime. Landline is an ABC program about all things rural and it gives a good insight into ...
My simple life is changing all the time, just like any healthy process, it's not stagnant. I try to improve what I do so that I get the ...
THIS IS FOR THOSE SWAPPERS WHO DIDN'T RECEIVE THEIR NAPKINS If you sent napkins in the swap and didn't receive a package, please c...
There is a lot work to be done here today. We have our new floor and kitchen repairs happening tomorrow week, and I only have six free days ...
This is my adorable dog, Rosie. Rosie is an Airedale Terrier and she's 12½ years old. Hanno has just clipped her for summer and she...
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