I must have done something good in the past to deserve the wonderful group of readers I have here. I was overwhelmed by the response to ye...
Alice says hello. ;- ) Good morning! We've had some wild weather these past couple of days with about 250 mm (nearly 10 inches) fallin...
HOMEMADE CLEANING RECIPES LAUNDRY Laundry Liquid Makes 10 litres You may add any essential oil of your choice to these homemade cleaners. Oi...
When I first decided that I'd had enough of my rampant spending and the insidious system that encouraged it, I realised that a lot of t...
I am a home body. I enjoy being in my home more than any other place. There is so much to do here, it's never tedious, the hours are f...
It's Christmas in July here next weekend. For our international friends that is the time when many Australians - at least those in area...
We've had so many visitors lately my head is spinning. Add to that my adorable grandkids and a new puppy and I'm starting to feel a...
If you were wondering where we were yesterday, Hanno and I were out volunteering.  After an early breakfast of tea and toast, we travelled u...
I am alone at the moment. It's 5.35am, Sunday. Hanno has gone to the farmers' market to buy a few seedlings and fruit, it's qui...
First things first. It's Hanno's 70th birthday on Sunday! The whole family is coming, my sister arrives tomorrow, and all the kids...
There is no doubt about it, when you start living a more simple life and decide to get rid of as many harsh chemicals as you can, you have ...
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