The way I do my housework has changed considerably since I started living more simply. In days gone by I would sometimes just quickly do wha...
We're quietly working away in our home with a day out here and there for Hanno's doctors' appointments and grocery shopping.  L...
How long is it since you cleaned out your fridge? I haven't done mine since just before Christmas! There are a couple of jars in there h...
How are you going on your no spending task? I know Pippa has bought more milk for her boys, it's incredible how much milk teenage boys ...
Buying laundry and cleaning products can become quite an expensive part of grocery shopping, but it doesn't need to be. They are easy t...
Sometimes I think people are scared to live simple lives. They look and see a life lived with none of the props of modern living like recrea...
I am often praised for just living the way I want to live: I want to sew, bake, mend, tend the garden and spend time with my family. And th...
It will be a busy week this one. I'm off to my volunteer job today and tomorrow with, no doubt, a million things happening there. Tomorr...
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