The second most asked question I get here is: "how do I start living like you do?". It comes a close second to: "why do you ...
Around here, spring cleaning doesn't only happen inside. Hanno has been busy cleaning screens, doors and windows. He borrowed Jens' ...
Spring cleaning can be done at any time of the year. We tend to do it when it's cool but warm enough to have the doors and windows open...
Hello everyone. I hope you're having a lovely weekend. I'm trying to work out Twitter. If you want me to follow you, my user name ...
We had a lovely day yesterday. Thank you for your warm wishes for us. This question is from slakermom: "what do you do with your extra...
I should never say I'll do something on a certain day "when I'm not busy". My post must be short today because I have a v...
Hello everyone! I'll answer the questions from yesterday's post tomorrow, when I'm not so busy. I'm working Tuesdays and W...
An overview of the garden looking south-east towards the creek and chick coop. The kale in the foreground will soon be gone to make way fo...
Some of the lemons ready for juicing next week. Leaving them sit for a week makes them juicier. I've had a few emails recently asking ...
I'm glad our gate was open yesterday because in walked Bob, the bee keeper. I looked up local beekeepers on the web and Bob was set up ...
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