It's been quite a while since I posted about making fairy cakes. I promised to give you the recipe, so better late than never, here ...
When we first moved into our current home, we made quite a few changes. The house had been lived in by an older couple and some of the thi...
I mentioned a few days ago that I was working on a little oil lamp. Well, I fiddled with it for a few days, tested wicks and oil levels, I...
I perform well under pressure, always have done. When I have to work to a deadline or have a lot of things to do I get more done than when ...
Some links for: making jams and jellies no knead bread very good knitting glossary - some instructions with video link quick knitting proje...
I received this comment the other day that I want to throw out to all of you for your suggestions. I was wondering if you (or anyone else) h...
Our no spending mission ends today. I know a few of you had to make small purchases but you got back on the horse and trotted to the finish ...
One of the things I really enjoy about my simple life is that I've taught myself to make many things I used to buy. I'm pleased that...
How are you going on your no spending task? I know Pippa has bought more milk for her boys, it's incredible how much milk teenage boys ...
Today we'll be thinking about how to use less electricity and water. This part of the audit is another one where if you can reduce your...
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