Hello friends. I hope you enjoy your weekend and find time to spend with your family or those you love. I want to let you know about the bo...
Yesterday was the coldest day of the year here in our little home. It was raining and dark and just right for a day of reflection and knitt...
This is Lulubelle, she is a really big girl and she looks angry, but she's the sweetest and most gentle of all our chooks. Lulubelle i...
Graphic from the Carl Larsen gallery I was going to write about starting off your chicken flock but there are a few loose ends from yesterda...
There is a season for all things. I know the way Hanno and I live now will change in the future. At some point, we will grow too tired to ...
We had a lovely weekend. Hanno worked at the food and coffee stall at our local organic farmers markets on Saturday morning. Our Centre ru...
My life seems to be nicely balanced at the moment. I have days at home when I cook, garden, write, sew, knit and relax and just when I feel...
There is so much one could write concerning water conservation. Everyone uses water. We all need it to survive and yet it's one of thos...
One of the questions I am often asked in emails is: "I am trying to reduce the amount of plastic I use but I can't seem to find a w...
"Hmmm, I wonder if there's anything to eat in there. " We have water containers everywhere. They stand like sad reminders of ...
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