I found this webpage today. It the bloggies! It's calling for you to vote for your favourite blogs. There are categories for all over t...
All things return to the kitchen. ; - ) Put your apron on and let's tackle it. It will probably take a few hours to deep clean a kitchen...
You have probably spent a lot of money on the floors and furniture in your home so it makes sense toprotect your investment by caring for th...
Today we're cleaning the bathroom using green cleaners, plus a little bit of bleach if you have a mould problem. Before we proceed t...
The way I do my housework has changed considerably since I started living more simply. In days gone by I would sometimes just quickly do wha...
I have a feeling this will be a very good year. I went to bed at the normal time last night and when I woke at midnight, to the sound of fir...
I wish I could step into your homes and help you work out a way to start your simple life. It seems to me that starting is one of the most d...
The countdown is on here. I have two busy days before the new year begins. When it does, it's full steam ahead into what looks like bein...
The beginning of any year is a great time for changing and making new plans. There seems to be endless possibilities at the beginning of a y...
I spent some time over the past couple of days slowly wandering around the yard, just looking to see what’s happening out there. I was goin...
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