I can't tell you how much we appreciate the good wishes and loving words sent yesterday. Thank you all. ~*~*~ There are a few way...
I'm sure you all know by now that I love knitting - dishcloths being a favourite subject of my affection. Well, I was reading a knitti...
I’m not sure if it’s a sign of my age or the era I grew up in but when I hear: "Would you like a cup of tea?”, "I'll put t...
Fairy cakes were baked last week. We've had a few busy days here. I sent my book proposal off to New York again yesterday afternoon aft...
Part of my routine every week is to make something sweet for morning teas or desserts. This is a simple thing for me to whip up, I rarely u...
July in The Simple Home "... he got out the luncheon basket and packed a simple meal, in which, remembering the stranger's origi...
I love finding a recipe that I know I'll use in the years to come. I found such a recipe a couple of weeks ago and was delighted wit...
Even without the overcast sky I think it would have been cooler this weekend.  We've passed through the time when hot turns to warm and ...
Things are slowly returning to normal and I have to say I'm really pleased about that.  I don't really enjoy the Christmas/New Year ...
If you have extra milk in the fridge, or can get some, particularly if it's non-homogenised, or better still, raw milk, this is an e...
The end of November. This year has gone so fast, and soon we'll be faced with the new year and all it will bring. It doesn't feel ...
Last week we started talking about food waste and how to prevent it.  Of course it starts in the planning stage, before you even buy your fo...
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