This post was first published on 21 July 2011. I really enjoy living where we live. The climate is wonderful, we can grow food all year ...
I used to wear my hair longer when I was younger. I think I was in my late fifties when I had it cut short. Through all my young years I bo...
Last week our elder tree (sambucus nigra) was heavy with berries. It's the first year there have been enough berries to do anything ...
The end of the year is a good time to think about electricity, gas and water usage and how you can manage your usage. Work out what you pay...
Still having computer problems so no photos today.  Sorry.  :- ) - - - - ★ - - - -  I know you probably don't want to read about...
I'm off to visit my sister in NSW tomorrow and I'm so looking forward to it. I have most of my bits and pieces packed, later today ...
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