I'm looking forward to receiving a parcel from Ecoyarns containing some of their beautiful 8ply hemp yarn. I also ordered two Malachit...
It's calm in our home, even with four people here. Yesterday we had Jamie for the day and my sister Tricia is staying with us for a cou...
These tiny pink roses were one of my mum's favourites - Cecile Brunner roses. They're easy to grow and they're what I'd c...
I knit all year through. In winter I often, but not always, knit with wool. In summer I often, but not always, knit with cotton. Althou...
I've spent the past few days baking, sewing and knitting. They are such simple, old-fashioned tasks and I know my great grandmothers (a...
I've yet to find a more comfortable winter activity than knitting. Just thinking about my wool, cotton and needles gives me a good feel...
We're eating soup but I haven't changed the bed linen to flannel yet; the sun rises at 6 and night falls at 6; I haven't yet re...
Rain falling on the roof is always a welcome sound here and when you're inside, busy with everyday tasks, it gives a cozy feeling t...
I was hoping to have Johnathan's cotton cardigan finished for Christmas but it is not to be. I foolishly mis-read the pattern twice! an...
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