Before we moved into our home here 18 years ago, we owned the house but had tenants in it. While we were still living up north, we contract...
Hanno and I have spent a lot of time this year and last fixing, painting, rearranging and fluffing our home to prepare it and ourselves for...
During the week as I was ironing I came across a pillow case that was frayed and very thin in a few places. It came in a set of a fitted sh...
Tricia's husband died suddenly a few years ago and she spent the next couple of years deciding whether she would sell the family home a...
If you're looking for a nutritious and thrifty breakfast that will take only a few minute to prepare, go no further than rolled oats. I...
After we changed how we lived, going from crass consumerism to a more mindful way of living, I looked around and thought that Hanno and I m...
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