We've been busy here the past week or so. We had plumbers in looking at an ongoing problem, which they finally fixed. A few visitors dr...
So far we've changed our mindset, or are working on it, we're tracking our spending, or starting to, and before we write up a budge...
We slow down and relax during December and January. The garden produces a few herbs and fruit so it only needs watering, Hanno mows the law...
I've never watched Game of Thrones, the Kardasians or a hundred other popular TV programs, but give me The Great British Sewing Bee and...
We've reached the point in our gardening year when we've stopped planting. We still have a fair bit of gardening to do but there wi...
I think Hanno and I have been pretty succesful in changing our lives from one of stress, expense and disorder, to a life of relaxed content...
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