March, week 2 in The Simple Home This week we'll focus on shopping for food and I'm guessing that will mean vastly different thin...
March, week 1 in The Simple Home Going back to basics This is one of the most important chapters in The Simple Home as it deals wit...
One of the many ways to cut costs in your kitchen garden is to take herb cuttings. I do it at this time of year but you should do a bit of ...
February, week 1 in The Simple Home We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.   Winston Churchill Hanno and...
I know many of you will already be doing this, or at least know about it, but cooking in a saucepan with a steamer on top is a frugal and n...
Every so often I receive an email from a reader asking for ideas about something they're struggling with.  Here we have one such query ...
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