Just before I travelled to Blackheath, I received this email from "Mary". I asked if it was okay to use it in a post because ...
Hanno and I had a lovely day out last Thursday, visiting friends just north of here. Our good friends Beverly and Michael have just moved i...
Even though I haven't written about our stockpile for a long time, it is still sustaining us. During our busy period with the book and ...
All foods that are grown have a particular season when they're naturally at their best. The seasons in the southern hemisphere are the ...
LEST WE FORGET Today is Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand - a day of commemoration for all those who gave their lives in the defence...
I think it's a good idea to review and rethink what we do every so often. Without noticing, we slip back into old ways and bad habits. ...
When our garden is in full production, we have too much food to eat all of it fresh. Often we give some to family and friends but when ther...
My sister recently moved into a new home - a cute little two bedroom cottage that is about 60 or 70 years old.  There are many things to lov...
I've never been what you would call an organised person but now I feel a bit like a quantum physicist - out of the chaos, order emerges....
A kitchen is like the engine on a car; it drives the house.  We spend a lot of time in our kitchens preparing meals, making cups of tea, bak...
I continue to have a sprinkling of emails every week asking for tips on how to start living a simpler life or how to continue once the first...
You would have noticed some pineapple in a jar sitting next to the beetroot yesterday. That is the first stage of pineapple vinegar I'...
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