We've come to the end of a two year period of renovations and home improvements. We did the work as we had the money, time and energy f...
I had a wonderful week away from the blog. Hanno and I were going to work on a project but he had a sore back and I had a sore knee so inst...
The garden we have today looks different to those we had in the past.  We're in the process of preparing for older age while we continu...
I fear there is a dumbing down battle going on. It's there in food - why would we want to cook for ourselves when there are constantly ...
It's been a pretty busy week and on the weekend all beds were full here at the Hetzel house. Cups of tea were made, grandchildren were ...
This time last year, Hanno and I set off on a three week book tour. We came home feeling happy and optimistic after having met hundreds ...
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