We've had so many visitors lately my head is spinning. Add to that my adorable grandkids and a new puppy and I'm starting to feel a...
There are many things we can all do to save money in our homes. Some of them are so easy and commonplace we rarely think of them, or think...
Most of the work I do here at home is food related with cooking, preserving, baking and growing taking a good slice of my ordinary days. It...
Serving good food from your own kitchen isn't just one thing, it's many. And it doesn't happen once, it's part of your ordi...
When I was growing up we rarely went out to eat. I remember dad taking a saucepan to the local newly opened Chinese restaurant once. The sa...
Before I start today's post I want to thank so many of you for your kind and generous comments.  It really does make blogging a great j...
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